A G-2 (S-2) is authorized at every echelon from battalion through corps. Coordinating across the entire staff while assessing the effect of enemy NBC-related attacks and hazards on current and future operations. Providing control and liaison associated with the ground elements of a landing force in controlling and employing NGF and Navy and Marine CAS in amphibious assaults or other types of operations. An EOD officer is authorized at corps and divisions, and normally serves as the EOD group, battalion, or company commander. Performing chief financial officer training and reviews, and audit compliance services. Advising the commander on legal and moral obligations incurred from the long- and short-term effects (economic, environmental, and health) of military operations on civilian populations. Planning and initiating procedures to verify and report enemy first use of NBC agents (with the surgeon). D-31. Army Supply Technician Employee Duties & Responsibilities 1) Research all classes of supply loan items and training aids for training operations. The G-5 (S-5) performs staff planning for and exercises staff supervision over-, Assistant Chief of Staff, G-6 (S-6), Command, Control, Communications, and Computer Operations. Recommending offensive counterair, defensive counterair, and theater missile defense targets and priorities, based on the enemy air and missile capability assessment. Providing input to the CIMP so the G-6/IMCOORD and the battle staff can provide RI and INFOSYS technical support. They are thoroughly prepared to recommend the best COA from the perspective of their individual fields of interest. Current Operations. Supervising other personal staff members (secretaries, assistant aides, enlisted aides, and drivers). Valid conclusions are relevant to the topic, objective, and supported by data. Internment and resettlement of EPWs and civilian internees, dislocated civilians, and US military prisoners, including their-. Identify and update information requirements (IRs). Developing policies, procedures, and techniques to govern the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the command's budget accounting system. Retasking and refocusing collection assets during execution (considering recommendations from the rest of the staff). The CPO is responsible for managing and administering the civilian employee personnel management program. Coordinating with the IG and PM on unsafe trends identified during inspections. Coordinating Staff Responsibility. Identifying training requirements, based on the unit METL and training status. Administering and monitoring the unit NCO development program and sergeant's time training. Participating in intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) planning. Once deployed, units below division level may be authorized an S-5. The inspector general, public affairs officer, and staff judge advocate are personal staff officers to the commander. Coordinating with the G-7 to integrate EW into IO. D-18. Monitoring unit strength status and developing plans to maintain it. An LNO is responsible for representing the commander at the headquarters of another command to coordinate and promote cooperation between the two commands. The MLT commander, a Navy or Marine officer, operates at division level and below. Recommending and coordinating assignments and personnel issues. No officer exercises coordinating staff responsibility over the aide-de-camp. The MLT is responsible for coordinating naval gunfire (NGF) and Marine CAS assets and operations. Installation and Army Material Command representatives to enhance unit readiness. Ensuring the staff renders assistance to subordinate commanders and staffs. Recommending IO effects to influence adversary perceptions, decisions, and actions. Performing real-time audits of command systems, procedures, and internal controls to ensure their proper implementation and effective operation. Assessing weather and terrain data to determine if environmental factors favor enemy use of weapons of mass destruction or, at corps level, friendly use of nuclear weapons. Staff members avoid interfering with the subordinate commander's responsibilities. Ensuring that redundant communications means are planned and available to pass time-sensitive information. Most staff actions require coordination that extends beyond the immediate command to higher, subordinate, supporting, supported, and adjacent commands. Staff members make recommendations to help commanders reach decisions and establish policies. Provide technical oversight. The staff numbers are assigned according to custom, not hierarchy, traceable back to French practice; i.e., 1 is not "higher ranking" than 2. Developing a program for dental support of humanitarian and civil action operations. Staff Planning and Supervision. Coordinating with the higher headquarters MDO and G-7, ENCOORD, and CHEMO. Reporting incidents through channels to regional computer emergency response team and Army Computer Emergency Response team. Coordinating the activities of the Army space support team (ARSST) supporting the command. D-22. Providing input to the G-1/AG (S-1) on projected accident losses. d.setTime(d.getTime() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 2 * 1000); S9-D16 or S1-D20 S3-D19 S5-D18 S7-D17 S11-D15 S13-D14 (Throwing a first dart higher than 13 is not wise because accidentally hitting the triple is a bust.) The MDO is a functional area 30 officer responsible for coordinating MD assets and operations. FM 100-22 contains information about the responsibilities of installation staffs. Preparing the engineer battlefield assessment in assisting the G-2 (S-2) with IPB. The PSYOP officer is responsible for synchronizing PSYOP operations with those of other IO elements and echelons. Is the principal enlisted conductor of the band. What is the effect of misuse of birth control? S = Indicates brigade, regimental, battalion level, any other Estimating the effect of a unit's radiation exposure state on mission assignments. POSITION DUTIES: THIS IS A STANDARDIZED PD FOR ARMY FIELD SUPPORT BRIGADES (AFSBs) OF THE U.S. ARMY SUSTAINMENT COMMAND. Military Deception Officer. The responsibilities vary according to rank. Once deployed, units below division level may be authorized an S-5. They are military staff. During preparation and execution, commanders use recommendations from running estimates in decisionmaking. Meeting and hosting the general officer's visitors at the headquarters or the general officer's quarters. Advising the ground commander on the capabilities, limitations, and use of Air Force fixed-wing theater and strategic airlift assets. D-99. Veterinary food inspection, animal care, and veterinary preventive medicine activities of the command (with the veterinary officer). Coordinating with the PM to control civilian traffic in the AO. The personal staff officers discussed here are the-, D-128. The staff weather officer (SWO) is responsible for coordinating operational weather support and weather service matters through the G-2 (S-2). D-5. Targeting. Share yours for free! Coordinating audience pretesting and posttesting of propaganda and counterpropaganda products. Coordinating with the PAO and G-5 to ensure disseminated messages are consistent. Monitoring the supply status of and expediting requests for special EOD tools, equipment, and demolition materials. Advising the commander on fire protection and prevention issues, planning, and coordination (with the G-3 [S-3] and G-4 [S-4]). All staff members examine the action from the perspective of their individual fields of interest and that of the commander to determine the optimal COA. Staff sections manage information related to their individual fields of interest. Collecting and processing demographic data concerning all aspects of EO climate assessment. OPSEC officer responsibilities include-, D-124. Supporting the linguist requirements, to include contracting for, planning, and providing logistic support to contracted linguists. Coordinating OPSEC measures to shield the MD plan with the OPSEC officer. D-7. Each adds these requirements into the overall command training plan, which the G-3 (S-3) maintains. Assessing adversary vulnerabilities, friendly capabilities, and friendly missions in EW terms. Providing estimates on the effects of space weather activities on current and future operations. SUPERVISORY CONTROLS: Works under the general supervision of the Commander, Army Field Support Brigade (AFSB), who gives instructions and explanations with each assignment. Examples of these situations include deployments, retrograde operations, obstacle crossings, and when the commander and deputy or assistant commanders are unable to command. Exercising staff supervision over MD activities. Accurately interpreting the commander's desired effects on enemy targets, formations, and capabilities in automated fire support INFOSYS. Ensuring that accountability and security of supplies and equipment are adequate (with the PM). Helping the G-2 (S-2) arrange indirect weather support, such as tactical unmanned aerial vehicles, for subordinate units. Air and Missile Defense Coordinator. Coordinating Staff Responsibility. Corps, divisions, and major support commands are authorized a headquarters commandant. The ACOS, G-2 (S-2) exercises coordinating staff responsibility over the staff weather officer. They do this case-by-case, depending on the commander's guidance or the nature of the task. Recording and reporting data for information, planning and programming, allocation, and justification (manpower reports). When did organ music become associated with baseball? In brigades and battalions, the S-4 both coordinates activities and executes requirements for the commander and unit. The intelligence cycle is an example of such a process. The ACOS, G-1/AG exercises coordinating staff responsibility over the IG, when required. IM representatives within the CP are positioned to best support the commander's intent, with priority normally to the G-3 (S-3) operations cell and other critical cells within the CP. Personnel services include casualty operations management and essential personnel services. Planning, supervising, and coordinating NBC decontamination (except patient decontamination) operations. D-79. (function(src){var a=document.createElement("script");a.type="text/javascript";a.async=true;a.src=src;var b=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];b.parentNode.insertBefore(a,b)})("//experience.tinypass.com/xbuilder/experience/load?aid=bYdYZQml5V"); The commander's staff must function as a single, cohesive unit-a professional team. Electronic frequencies and secure key lists. http://www.part-time-commander.com/sample-army-squad-leader-duties-responsibilities-and-job-description/ Learn more about what a Squad Leader is supposed to do. D-16. Providing technical advice and assistance on using Army aviation for evacuation (medical or other). Informing soldiers, family members, and DOD civilians of their rights under the Privacy Act, OPSEC responsibilities, and roles as implied representatives of the command when interacting with news media. D-1. ENCOORD responsibilities include-, D-108. Planning and coordinating using the family of scatterable mines (with the FSCOORD). Tracking requirements and disseminating intelligence to satisfy CCIR, then PIRs, FFIR, IRs, and other requirements. Coordinating with the G-1/AG (S-1) and SJA in establishing off-limits areas and establishments. Staff sections prepare and maintain running estimates to help commanders make decisions. This includes coordinating with the G-6 (S-6) for adequate supporting communications. Planning and coordinating essential fire support tasks. Staff members perform the following general IM activities for information related to their fields of interest: D-13. How long will the footprints on the moon last? Coordinating the attachment of the 1st IOC(L) Field Support Team and other specialized IO teams. Serves as detachment leader for a MST, (Army band medium and Army band large) or band senior sergeant (Army band small) performs duties shown in preceding levels. Identifying requirements that can be met through contracting. Casualty reporting, notification, and assistance. D-75. Preparing plans and policies to govern the assignment of replacement personnel. Training. Providing technical advice and assistance in reorienting enemy defectors, EPWs, civilian internees, and detainees. Military Duties, Responsibility and Integrity Military duties, responsibilities and integrity is important to the Army. Coordinating, planning, and directing communications security (COMSEC) measures, including the operation of the information assurance systems security office (IASSO). Preparing recommendations includes coordinating with staff members whose fields of interest the recommendation might affect. Resource allocation and employment synchronization of all organic and supporting assets (including those of other Services). A deputy FSCOORD or fire support officer (FSO) assists the FSCOORD. Preparing and organizing schedules, activities, and calendars. Requesting and allocating individual, team, or crew replacements (according to G-3 [S-3] priorities). The IG is a confidential adviser to the commander. NCOER Duty Descriptions for CMF 18, Special Forces. It relieves commanders of having to address details better handled by subordinates. Supervision includes-. The SOCOORD is responsible for coordinating and integrating special operations forces (SOF) activities. Staff members make similar contributions to command standing operating procedures (SOPs), training plans, reports, studies, and summaries. Advising the commander and staff on employing aerospace assets. The G-2 (S-2) is responsible for intelligence readiness, intelligence tasks, intelligence synchronization, other intelligence support, counterintelligence, and support to security programs. Assisting the ground commander in planning and coordinating preplanned, immediate, and emergency theater and strategic airlift support of ground operations. Maintaining and reporting radiation exposure and dose status, and coordinating with surgeon. Implementing resource control procedures and serving as the primary fund certifying officer. IG responsibilities include-, (AR 20-1 discusses IG responsibilities and duties. Avoid conflict and duplication by adjusting plans or policies before implementation. Personnel support includes-, D-47. Judgment and experience are major factors in recognizing problems. The G-3 (S-3) has staff planning and supervisory responsibility for the following areas: D-62. Operations and Plans. Providing physical security guidance for commanders. Coordinating support locations and time schedules with the S-2, S-3, and supported units. However, specific comptroller functions may occur at corps and division level. TALOs are normally authorized at corps, divisions, regiments, and separate brigades. How do you remove starter on a 1996 polaris scrambler 4x4 autamatic. Coordinating the EA target list with organic military intelligence units and with adjacent and higher commands, including joint and multinational commands when appropriate. Supervising the development, training resource synchronization, evaluation, revision, defense, and execution of the command budget estimate and the program objective memorandum (POM). The number of special staff officers and their responsibilities vary with authorizations, the desires of the commander, and the size of the command. Managing and controlling information network capabilities and services. Overseeing cost capturing to support requests for funding authority for operations and requests to replace funds shifted from other programs (for example, mission training) to support an operation. Engineer Coordinator. How many current capacity of 240 sq mm aluminum XLPE cable? Coordinating religious support with unit ministry teams of higher and adjacent headquarters, other Services, and multinational forces. Coordinating, planning, and directing the establishment of C2-system architectures that provide a sound foundation for current and future IM (with the G-3 [S-3] and the staff).
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