We need to remember that we only see the pieces as they’re handed to us. Even though we don’t have all of the answers, we trust that the pilot knows what he’s doing and the outcome will be good. Advanced Member. One who has conquered failure and transcends fear, carries an undeniable power from within. Or we might have to jump from a building attacked by terrorists. He is still the King Most High. 24 Bible Verses about the Gifts of God ... more shall be given, and he will have an abundance; but from the one who does not have, even what he does have shall be taken away. God Is Love is a famous verse from 1 John 4:8 about God's loving nature. When I get to the end of this I think it’ll become even more clear. 100 Bible Verses about God Is Love. If you asked a gardener about pruning, they would tell you it isn’t easy, but it is necessary. As the Sustainer, God continuously confers life (Psalm 104:10-32). But is God really good, even when life is bad? And that is worth putting your trust in. But we need the Gardener’s care. People choose to ignore God, to defy God, to go their own way and commit horrible acts against others. I won’t say it didn’t hurt or take work, but I got through it. God is in control, and we’re not, so I need to remember that when things look out of control. 8:15; 1 John 4:18; 2 Timothy 1:7: 2 Timothy 1:7 in all English translations. But there is one thing that most of us have in common, and that is that we are all bound to experience trials and tribulations in our lives. And if not, He is still good. First John 5:11-12 tells us it is Jesus who indwells us: “This is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. God has been very good to us in allowing us to see the good even in this difficult trial. '” In the beginning, Peter walked by faith and trusted Jesus to take care of him and not let him drown. Rely on God’s goodness and trust it. Not every season is a harvest or a flowering season. Our existence depends on God, whether we acknowledge His existence or not. Take a rosebush for example. Faith is defined as a firm belief in something for which there is no proof. “God's guidance is almost always step-by-step; He does not show us our life's plan all at once. But it’s so much more than that. God is good even when life is not sticker • Millions of unique designs by independent artists. God is Good Even When Life is Bad. The things that you think are blocking you God is going to use for His glory. John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Oct 24, 2020 - my only hope left. Psalm 23:6; The Lord is good to all, and His tender mercies are over all His works. The definitive answer comes in the person of Jesus Christ. You and I might not ever understand what God is doing, but we are not told to try to understand or try to figure everything out. When times are good, it can feel easier. Good and upright is the Lord. Or we might be hit by a car. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world. Simply stated, a life verse is a verse from the Bible (or a small passage) that you choose to be your most favorite verse; it is the one that you commit to memory to share with others. Jeremiah 29:11; “For I know the plans I have for you”, says the Lord. God Is Good Even When Life Is Not Shirt. Bible Verses about Life - As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart… Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor… For, Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their… The Lord will keep you from all harm— he will watch over… Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise… He Is Patient- 2 Peter 3:8-9 “ But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. You need only focus on Him and trust. When we think about it, we realize that God is the ultimate source of all the good things we have received, even those things that come through family, friends and other people. I’ve had plenty of times in my life where life seemed overwhelming and to much to handle: my break up, death of a close friend, trauma, emotional abuse; and I couldn’t tell you that I never thought I wouldn’t be able to get through it because that would be a lie. That even a poor man has much good in his trial of poverty if he knows God--the owner of the universe. Psalm 145:9; No one is good but One, that is, God. Verse 19. Buy this T-Shirt before it's sold out. Fact: Life is hard. Your immediate circumstances may not change, but be confident that God will provide you with all that you need to persevere. He alone is still worthy of our worship. 1 John 4:17–19 (NLT) - And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. My goal for this blog is to share my own experiences in hope of further healing for myself, as well as sharing my faith with other people. ( Log Out /  “Claire has a tumor in her heart that is growing rapidly and filling up her atrium. Read 9 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. • Remember that God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble ( James 4:6 ). Some seasons are for planting, pulling up weeds, fertilizing, and pruning. Is God still good when everything about life feels otherwise? 4. God is Good Even When Life Isn’t. D on’t be afraid! Life is hard because God is good. Mar 16, 2019 - Is God good? Now sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight. It’s easiest to pray and worship God when everything seems to be going right. But simply put, God is good, all the time. Nothing in this world can alter His goodness. God may bring you through hard times to strengthen your faith in Him or to make you appreciate life when things are good again. We sit in our seats, buckle our seat belts, listen to the flight attendant tell us how to use our flotation device if we end up in the water, and hope for the best. Life's Not Fair but God Is Good book. Psalm 25:8; Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." 1. Long trials build anticipation which makes it even more special when the trial is over. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. 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