What you should do ; Most houseplant pests such as mealy bugs, white flies and aphids can be dealt with using a mild soap and water bath or horticultural oil. English Ivy. English ivy has been proven to be effective in fighting mold spores floating around in the air. 4. The Prayer plant, native to Brazil, Asia, and Africa, is a very unique plant. They are oval and marked with red veins -- much more decorative than its flowers. The prayer plant, or Maranta, is so called because the leaves fold up at night, like hands folded in prayer. At night, when photosynthesis can't take place, plants continue to consume oxygen but they don't release any back into the room. Prayer plant, or rabbit tracks, is known for folding up its leaves at night. Read about this easy house plant. During the fall and winter months, many homes become inhospitable environments for houseplants. It likes bright, indirect light and a moist environment. No matter the houseplant you're growing, all varieties appreciate a 10-degree drop at night. Not only does it feature long, wavy leaves, but those leaves also close at night, which is where this plant got its … They're just highly evolved. Some rooms are drafty, others are over-heated, the air tends to be dry, and there’s less natural sunlight streaming in the windows. Again, all these plants close up at night and, again, it’s pulvinus at the leaf or leaflet’s base that empties rapidly, causing the leaf folding. But flowers that close up at night, such as tulips, hibiscus, poppies and crocuses, aren't sleepy. Meanwhile, common houseplants like philodendron and snake plant will thrive in normal houseplant temperatures (60°F to 75°F). Prayer plant: Maranta leuconeura is another popular houseplant. While some people are more sensitive to mold than others, mold can accumulate and cause a variety of symptoms like rashes, coughing, itching, and even chest pain. The amount of carbon dioxide that plants emit at night is far less than a person or pet sleeping in the same bed produces, and therefore not a concern. It is called prayer plant because it folds up its leaves at night, as if hands in prayer. It’s also, as the folks over at A Beautiful Mess point out, non-toxic to children, cats, and dogs, so you won’t have to worry about your pets snacking on it. The large, patterned leaves with hues of red, green, brown, and cream, lift up and fold together each evening as though praying and open again the next morning. In fact, houseplants can be the perfect host for many pests since they aren’t exposed to natural beneficial insects and other predators that would otherwise keep populations in check. In general, foliage house plants grow best between 70 o and 80 o F. during the day and from 60 o to 68 o F. at night. The cool factor of this plant is second to none. The movement is not as sudden as in the sensitive plant, but you can see the results each night and day. Removal of Toxins Though there's a debate on how effective plants are for removing toxins from the air, as well as how much oxygen they supply to a room, we know that they serve these functions. Most house plants tolerate normal temperature fluctuations. The drop duplicates what the plants experience in nature. The fern-like leaves quickly close up when you touch them. Studies show that there is even an electrical current that runs between the pulvini on many of these plants, almost like nerves in animals, plus there is also a chemical reaction involved.
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