If this high blood pressure is … Gestational hypertension—the term used when your blood pressure rises above 140/90 mmHg after 20 weeks of pregnancy, but was normal before this time.It does not produce any other symptoms and usually returns to normal soon after the birth of your baby. But having hypertension during pregnancy requires special care, irrespective of whether you are diagnosed with this problem before or after conception. It begins after 20 weeks gestation and usually takes the form of high blood pressure and abnormal kidney function, but can also involve other organs, such as the liver, blood and brain. Doctors … Some symptoms may include high blood pressure and protein in the urine, usually occurring after week 20 of pregnancy. It can also increase your risk for the following complications (problems). You need more water than normal during pregnancy, and staying hydrated helps you avoid some of the negative side effects. Most women with pre-eclampsia do not have any symptoms. There are many foods which can help you combat that. Blood pressure spike during pregnancy is pretty normal. There are many steps you can take to reduce your stress. Drink at least 10 glasses of water each day to avoid dehydration. Risks for you: preeclampsia Cesarean birth placental abruption (when the placenta separates early from the uterus) seizures stroke heart disease kidney disease organ damage death. 1. Normal blood pressure in pregnancy is less than 120/80 mm Hg, the same as for non-pregnant people. 1,2 The good news is that high blood pressure is preventable and treatable. However, women with severe pre-eclampsia will have high blood pressure and may experience: • Sudden swelling of the face, hands or feet • Headache … In some cases, it can signal a serious condition called pre-eclampsia.. Ultrasound examinations should also be performed frequently to check the growth and development of the baby inside. There are several possible causes of high blood pressure during pregnancy, as listed below: Overweight or obesity – According to a study published in the Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, pre-pregnancy obesity, excessive gestational weight gain, and increased intake of energy act as potential risk factors for developing … More dangerous, high blood pressure during pregnancy is one premise that leads … Avoid Salt and High-Sodium Foods : Generally, when people with high blood pressure cut back on salt, their blood pressure falls. A blood pressure that is greater than 140/90 mm Hg, or that is 15 degrees higher on the top number from where you started out before pregnancy, may be cause for concern. The benefits of exercise during pregnancy include reduced inflammation, help reaching and maintaining a healthy weight, and even defense against the effects of stress. There are different types of high blood pressure in pregnancy: Gestational hypertension is high blood pressure that you develop while you are pregnant. A large amount of research has been conducted on how high blood pressure during pregnancy affects babies, but data on the effects of low blood pressure is limited. Reduce stress: Stress can make blood pressure go up, and over time may contribute to the cause of high blood pressure. Additionally, high blood pressure during pregnancy means you’re at an increased risk for cardiovascular disease later on. There are steps you can take while you’re pregnant to reduce your high blood pressure. Keeping active and doing some physical activity each day, such as walking or swimming, can help keep your blood pressure in the normal range. The following are the 3 common types of gestational hypertension: Chronic Hypertension– Women who have high blood pressure (over 140/90) before pregnancy, early in pregnancy (before 20 weeks), or continue to have it after delivery. High BP during pregnancy can lead to the baby remaining weak, or experiencing growth retardation (IUGR) due to depleted blood flow. Some women have high blood pressure during pregnancy. Eating a balanced diet and keeping your salt intake low can help to reduce blood pressure. High blood pressure during pregnancy can pose significant problems such as decreased blood flow to the placenta, placental abruption, premature delivery and increased chances for developing cardiovascular disease 1.
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