See Filth... Islamic Dream Interpretation, Symbolic of sin and dead works, Isa. This demonstrated the different relationships between intel­lect and emotion. by Dr. Jody Seymour, retired clergy The above words come from a song by Kathy Mattea. All water dreams, other than clear, have a bad omen connected to it and should be studied carefully and taken as a true warning.... Tryskelion Dream Interpretation. In this sense, if in the dream they push you into a waterfall while on a boat, it means you do not control your excitement and emotions. We do not fear that which we understand. If you dream of having the power to control water, this symbolizes your spiritual and intellectual growth. Warm or dirty water indicates illness. Similarly, fine rain is usually a symbol of fertility, which predicts success in your projects. And again, according to Freud, to come out of water represents the image of birth. The Element Encyclopedia. Fox, Rami Malek, Reese Witherspoon, Gwyneth Paltrow and George Clooney: Which actors really sang in their movies? The calm sea and the idyllic landscape reflected her confidence and initial joy. Cloudy water suggests lack of emotional clarity. A water mill in a dream also represents one’s helpers, clan, easing of one’s difficulties, 470 or it could mean rain. Otherwise, be careful. Ifone immerses his hand in water in a dream, it means that he will play with money and confuse himself. I also thought that if I drank the water it would show the patients a positive attitude towards their sick­ness. The city’s reservoir in a dream also represents its governor. • Instead of walking in the spirit, by getting involved with these things or feeding on things that are not of God, you are contaminating your spirit. To see a spring: improvement of a distressing situation. Fountains suggest womanhood, and particularly the Great Mother (see Introduction). To dream of salty water on your tongue may indicate a need to release sadness and the physically shed tears. Or economical distribution of your energies, as in Faucet. Like the dreams of flying, this dream is also about discovering abilities during times of crisis or when thrown into a particular situation. Or is there something you want to find out, a vital piece of information that will complete the picture? The Element Encyclopedia, If you dream of throwing water balloons, then you are playing games with your emotions, and trying your hand at manipulation. In the depths we may find gems, skeletons, archaeological objects, and these relate to the memory of our evolutionary past, fam­ily influences we carry within us unknown. The meaning, of course, depends on the de- tails and the action, but as a general guide, clear calm water is a favorable omen, while rough or murky wa- ter signifies difficulties. ... that part of our calling is to “give people water,” but the truth is that we can get awfully thirsty while giving others water. An ocean: The earth’s womb and beginnings of all humankind. To have it sprayed on your head, denotes that your passionate awakening to love will meet reciprocal consummation. Water is the place where the souls of the dead meet the spirits of the water; it is a place of repression, of secrets with unknown depths and an element of rapture. Hot water foretells a season of social setbacks. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams, (see also Baptism, Bath, Drowning, Fountain, River, Sea, Tidal Wave, Well), Emotional energy. Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary, If someone we know has made us dirty or contaminated us it is an indication not to trust that person.... Dream Meanings of Versatile, If you dream of being in dirty or messy surroundings, it is a positive omen meaning whatever is worrying you will soon come to an orderly conclusion.... My Dream Interpretation, (Also see Water)... Islamic Dream Interpretation, The same applies if the water is not sweet. Water is the symbol of what is changeable. This is particularly true if while waking one also speaks words of wisdom. Complete Dictionary of Dreams, A large body of water like a sea or a lake is often a symbol for the unconscious. A leaking tank is also a sign of loss.... Tryskelion Dream Interpretation, A leaking tank is also a sign of loss.... Encyclopedia of Dreams. I needed to find some water. Seeing distilled water in adream also may signify acquiring knowledge from learned people who practice what they teach. Whether your dream concerned yourself or others kneeling for any reason except prayer, the dream is warning you that you are in danger of being cheated; curb your tendency to be overgenerous. Toujours invariable ! If you dream of having the power to control water, this symbolizes your spiritual and intellectual growth. To dream of drawing water from a tap or well, or to be drinking it is in general a positive and creative sign. To see a watermelon in your dream represents emotions of love, desire, lust and fiery passion. Drinking hot water from the boiler in a dream means sickness, stress, depression, or a scare by evil spirits. 3. The Complete Dream Book, Dreaming of clear water is a sign of great good luck and prosperity, a dream of muddy water foretells sadness or sorry for the dreamer through hearing of an illness or death of someone he/she knows well. Lucia dreamed: “I was sunbathing on a paradisiacal island of fine sand and crystalline waters. If a person or a place is knee-deep in something such as water, the level of the water comes up to a person's knees. It should be seen as a reminder of your ability to survive tough circumstances, even when you feel out of your depth. Drinking a glass of spring water in a dream means conceiving a child, or that he will receive benefits from his wife. Emotions, moods and flow of feeling energy. If the trees of one’s garden or farm do blossom in the dream, it means conceiving a child from such a woman. In this sense, glass in a dream represent the substance of a woman and water represents a fetus. A waterfall is a positive dream symbol that suggests a cleansing of negative emotions or psychological issues. The sea floor refers to your spiritual foundations. Willing to take risks. If you are a “working clergy” you understand those words. If one finds the water level low, and if the waterside is covered with crusts, mildew, decay and produces a fetid odor in the dream. Deep water, pools and lakes are symbols of the unconscious or of being out of your depth, while shallow water represents a lack of energy. Complete Dictionary of Dreams. Alternatively, skimming the surface of spiritual potentialities without ever really diving in and experiencing that aspect of self. Keep in mind, that you are, after all, comprised of 90% water. To be on the water (as in a boat) can represent indecision or a lack of emotional commitment, while to be in the water but not moving can suggest inertia. If the knee is swollen: vou don ‘t know what to do next. One is proud of oneself. Water generally represents the unconscious and the emotions. Irone walks back from the water to the dry land in a dream, it means that he will satisfy his needs or fulfill his intentions. How the water behaves in your dream is also significant. 4 Then he measured off a thousand cubits and led me through knee-deep water. It is therefore important to notice whether the water is free-flowing or stagnant (or frozen: see Ice), clean or foul. If what you are taking from the earth is vegetables or things to eat, these are the fruits of your past efforts, and suggest benefits arising in your life. Ifone sees water flowing over his own roof in a dream, it means a quick distress, or a permanent stress that will be brought by someone in authority. Webster Dictionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: Knee-deep (adj) rising to the knees; knee-high; as, water or snow knee-deep. Again he measured a thousand, and led me through the water, and it was knee-deep. "She Loves You" by The Beatles was the song that convinced Ozzy Osbourne to make music his life. Grab it before it gets away! In Buddhism, it is the symbol of the individual’s spiritual development, of consciousness rising from the muddy depths of ignorance and opening to the full glory of enlightenment. Also, this song makes me think of summer or being on a beach in Florida on spring break. The unbalanced ones had weed growing in them. Reaching as high as the knees: knee-deep floodwaters. 64:6... Christian Dream Symbols. • When I train God’s leaders I share how the Lord takes them through training to get rid of their own ideas. If you see a sea chest, this indicates what you carry with you on your spiritual quest, or in everyday terms, your spiritual baggage. 2. Elec­tricity and water: emotions which can generate very powerful reaction to a situation, such as jealousy or anger. If a sick person experiences knees pain in a dream, it may mean that he is nearing his 244 death. If he dreams of drinking all the water it means his life span is completed; he should now prepare for the hereafter. ; Dangerous or polluted is a warning... Dream Dictionary Unlimited. Sea salt stands for strong spiritual beliefs, seashells for spiritual gifts and talents. To dream that you are sitting indicates indecision and not knowing what to do with your life. A geyser: A sudden, unanticipated outpouring of creativity, goodness, inspiration, spiritual gifts, or whatever. Definition and synonyms of knee-deep from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. In this way, the presence of any water in a dream is asking you to consider the emotional side of your nature. Again he measured a thousand, and led me through the water, and it was waist-deep. Its meaning varies with the details and the mood of the dream. Sea or ocean The sea very often represents cosmic consciousness, that is, the original chaotic state from which all life emerges. “Deep” is also found in a number of interesting idioms, such as at the “deep end” or in “deep water.” One can be deeply hurt or deeply troubled.... Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia, (Also see Frying)... Islamic Dream Interpretation, A sudden fall into water in a dream also means joy and money.... Islamic Dream Interpretation. Mystic Dream Book, To see a waterbed in your dream, suggests that have come to recognize and accept your emotions. Changing tides: Among the Teutonic people, each tide carried different meanings that may apply to your dream. Alternatively, this can represent a fear of confronting the depths of your own suhconscious. Standing water means losing vitality and your very center. The Element Encyclopedia. Moving water: Hie seen and unseen ebb and flow of all energies. Dreams of being under water signify that you are allowing yourself to be immersed in a relationship, a belief system, your feminine nature, and you are exploring the deep end of your mysterious nature, sexuality, and depth.... Strangest Dream Explanations. If the dreamer is at presently in bad circumstances, dreaming of drinking water implies that good times are ahead. (Also see Riuer; Water)... Islamic Dream Interpretation. If you watched a fish swim to the surface, could it have represented the emergence of your intuition? Water up to the knees speaks of the power of a consecrated prayer life. Symbolic of good words and life, Prov. To dream that your knees were shaky is an indication that you are contemplating an illicit liaison or a shady deal. It includes scenes on a private beach, in the pool area and under a coconut tree. It may represent playful aggression.... Ariadne's Book of Dream, To dream that you are water skiing represents an uplift in your spirituality and increase in your self-confidence. SMART … In the ward was a large oblong tank full of water. Deep water: the deeps of one’s inner life. In a dream, a water jug means travels, or it could represent a woman who becomes pregnant then have a miscarriage or abortion. See Integration Dreams.... Strangest Dream Explanations. Keep in mind that a water heater has the function of providing comfort and sanitization to your life. To be on the water (as in a boat) can represent indecision or a lack of emotional commitment, while to be in the water but not moving can suggest inertia. If, however, the water is clear and sparkling, it symbolizes faith, honesty, hope and joy. A waterfall in your dream forecasts a happy rise in status and/or an imminent increase in material wealth. To be immersed in water suggests pregnancy and birth or new beginnings, and coming out of water also suggests a fresh start. Or was your unconscious urging you to adopt a more down-to-earth approach? The Complete Dream Book. Dreaming of being underwater suggests you are in over your head regarding some situation. To pour it: litigation. Hearing or seeing running water predicts lasting happiness. Further, if they hurt it foretells terrible calamity. Waters from Under the Temple … 3 As the man went eastward with a measuring line in his hand, he measured off a thousand cubits and led me through ankle-deep water. When fresh, it denotes fortune and health. If water is made to flow from a well it means a person will spend his wealth in a manner bringing no benefit or harm to him.... Islamic Dream Interpretation. You are feeling ripe, juicy and sensually delicious. very involved in a difficult situation or large task: I'm knee-deep in paperwork. If we can see the sea as well as the river, we may be aware that a great change needs to occur or that attention must be paid to the unconscious within. Overcome by life, unable to fight back. Flowing water signifies peace and comfort, while rushing water can indicate passion. Drawing water from a well in a dream means earning money through deception and fraud. The island represents Lucia’s individualism, her independent and safe live that was threatened by the arrival of romance and the overflowing torrent of emotions that it implied. You are not using your full potential - you have considerable energy and mental abilities, and you need to start using them to put your thoughts into action. Salty water in a dream means hardships and difficulties in earning one’s livelihood. Going down into water indicates a need to renew one’s strength, to go back to the beginning, while coming up out of the water suggests a fresh start. Water is also a symbol of the spiritual life force. In dreams, water is a common theme and its association with the fluid of the womb and its role in evolution make it an archetypal symbol in the dreamer’s emotional life. Stagnant water in a dream means imprisonment, distress, or depression. Water on the knee can be temporary due to a minor injury or infection. It is a mvstcrious substance, given that it has the ability to (low through, over and round objects. A maiden may look forward to a sudden awakening to love if she dreams of playing in the water. The Buddhist thousand-petalled lotus symbolizes the final revelation and enlightenment. Seeing your image reflected in the water: you are only fooling yourself. Those who have waded out unto the loins have developed a strong relationship with the Lord. He's married to one of them now - you might be surprised which. Yellow water in a dream means an illness. The Big Dictionary of Dreams. According to the Chinese understanding of nature, water is a symbol of the elemental, female force of yin. Dreams of a knee represent flexibility and the ability to bend. Saltwater portends tears. It shows that a sense of panic is not only natural but necessary to discover the ability to breathe (survive) in a new environment (underwater). Is anything welling up that needs your attention? We moved close together and kissed. If the waterfall in your dream is overwhelming or too powerful for you to enjoy, it may represent emotional energy and unconscious drives that are very difficult to effectively cope with on the conscious level. KNEE-DEEP Meaning: "up to the knees," from knee (n.) + deep (adj.). Dirty water warns of unscrupulous people who would bring you to ruin. If any portion between the navel and knees is seen as exposed, it means a person’s secrets will be divulged to the people. Dreaming of a water slide indicates a sense of instability in some real life situation. Sea level pertains to spiritual truths, whilst sea legs suggest spiritual comfort or feeling at home with your spirituality. Sea slugs warn of spiritual laziness or entrapment, sea snails denote a slow and steady progress with your spiritual development, sea sponges stand for spiritual over absorption and sea spray represents spiritual gifts or insights. 1. Fear of either giving or receiving a “swift kick.” ... New American Dream Dictionary. If clear and clean, indicates that problems can be solved. A slow creek is like a small amount of emotional flow that is significant but sustaining and calming. To dream of knees is an unfortunate omen. Being caught in a swift moving current suggests being swept up in your emotions. What does knee expression mean? It can symbolize spiritual rebirth. The knee, shin and feet symbolise wealth belonging to others. But it the water is brackish and muddy, it means he will suffer from some ailment or disease whose seriousness will depend on how brackish or muddy the water is.... Islamic Dream Interpretation, (Also see Bathhouse; Drink; Hot)... Islamic Dream Interpretation, The hotter the water the more intense the affliction. For the Taoist, water is the essence of life, its movement an example for a life lived in harmony with nature. It can also be literally knee deep, for instance "knee deep in he dead" from DooM. Human beings are made up of a great deal of water, and the welling up of feelings can cause this precious liquid to leak inexplicably out of your eyes in the form of tears. A monthly update on our latest interviews, stories and added songs, The song features trop-rock singer-songwriter Jimmy Buffett. (3) It is also a symbol of the unconscious, especially if it is deep. Pouring water over a place where it is of no benefit in the dream means wasting one’s money. An injury to the knee is often part of a nightmare, particularly in situations of running away. Turbulent, choppy waters symbolize being overwhelmed emotionally. Mystic Dream Book, 2. See also Mandala. If you dream of aiming or shooting a water gun at someone, you them to notice your feelings. If one sees himself drinking cold refreshing water from the regular water tab in a dream, it means comfort and joy. Knee-deep definition is - sunk to the knees. If you find yourself baling it out, but with feet growing wet, foreshadows trouble, sickness, and misery will work you a hard task, but you will forestall them by your watchfulness. Knee-deep explanation. See Swimming.... Dreamers Dictionary. It will depend on the dreamer’s attitude as to whether he see his life as a large river or a small stream. Some tanks were beautifully clear and col­ourful, showing the right balance. (See BOAT, SHIPWRECK, and SHIP). Deeply occupied or involved: is knee-deep in work. As for distilled farm water or from water lily or distilled water from similar flowers in a dream, they represent medicinal remedies, profits, celebrations or weddings. Just a simple visualization or a daydream of standing in a waterfall makes a person feel energized and refreshed. If the water is muddy, you will be in danger and gloom will occupy Pleasure’s seat. It means that your relationship with a partner will go through a time of great comfort, tranquility, and harmony, but also that you may fall in love suddenly. Idioms: know where one stands; left standing, make a stand against; stand alone; stand aside; stand by, stand conected; stand down; stand firm, stand in someone’s way; stand up for, stand up to; stand one’s ground; stand on ceremony or dignity. Mystic Dream Book, whoever sees in his sleep that there is a canal with him, if there was a ferrule in it then a child will be born to him. Knee effusion, or water on the knee, occurs when excess fluid accumulates in or around the knee joint. A water carrier in a dream also represents one who can go near high ranking people. The Dream Books Symbols. If they are unshapely, unhappy changes in her fortune will displace ardent hopes. To be reflected in a pool indicates the dreamer needs to conic to terms with the Shadow (see Introduction). L'eau de la piscine nous arrivait jusqu'aux genoux. If the river causes fear we are perhaps creating an unnecessary difficulty for ourselves. You are connecting with the essence of your being, and are going with the flow. it means drought and adversities. Water is a deeply spiritual symbol representing the “water of life” or the “flow of life.” Large bodies of water usually represent our unconscious minds or/and soul experiences. This dream symbol can be interpreted on five different levels: 1- Water is usually taken in dreams to symbolise all that is emotional and feminine. 5:26... Christian Dream Symbols, You see water spilling out from a boiling pot: you will achieve financial success that is beyond your dream • You drink water: you’ll have money luck • You keep drinking water: you’ll have a great financial success • You ... Chine Dream Interpretation, Water is a very common but powerful dream symbol. Sweet water in a dream also represents the element of faith in God Almighty, while saltwater represents the element of atheism. Waterfalls symbolize any emotion that reaches the stage where it must ‘spill over’ in order to become manageable.... Dream Meanings of Versatile, To be on the water (as in a boat) can represent indecision or a lack of emotional commitment, while to be in the water but not moving can suggest inertia. Perhaps you are feeling helpless, unable to care for yourself and long to return to a stage where you are dependent and free of responsibilities. Bruce Springsteen's "Streets Of Philadelphia" won the Oscar for Best Original Song in 1994, beating out Neil Young's "Philadelphia," which was also written for the movie Philadelphia. With treatment, it’s possible that you’ll feel better within weeks. For Freudians, a rowing boat or canoe is a phallic symbol, and the act of rowing or paddling a canoe indicates masturbation. Sea monsters suggest spiritual danger and an earthquake at sea warns that your beliefs might be shaken. • The revelation and the anointing that God gives is pure when it comes from your spirit. The Big Dictionary of Dreams. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation, Time for a healthier lifestyle. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation, 2. Seeping water from a crack in a wall means adversities and distress caused by a brother or an in-law. It also indicates feelings of peacefulness and freedom.... My Dream Interpretation. knee-deep. To dream that your knees are too large, denotes sudden ill luck for you.
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