It remains in a single zodiac sign for approximately 14 years. In this post, I’m going to take a look at the meanings we associate with Neptune in Pisces and the twelfth house. He is creatively gifted and can express himself in unique ways through artistic activities. Let someone you trust know of your travel plans, in case your travels get sketchy at any point.  Happy Trails! A Pisces is a friend for life.  You may even go years between meet-up with a Pisces Man, but your bond will not be lost to time. Be grateful for your intuitive gifts, and nurture them.  Your most intimate relationship pin life is with yourself, and you will find love and fulfillment by practicing your mindfulness. As perhaps the most abstract of all concepts, the mind is … You will develop a deeper spiritual side. Named after the Roman god of sea, Neptune governs maritime matters in astrology. Neptune entered it’s own sign way back on February 3rd 2012. This planet can lure people in and take them away from reality. However he does not see them as outside of him, he knows that everything in this world is reflected inside of him. The right partner for her will embrace this side of her and take her on a journey of romance and happiness. Until 2026, we're being bathed in the bliss of spirit, or drowned in the fog of deception - or both. People with this placement are in tune with who they are. We Also Have a Full Moon in Gemini Lunar Eclipse November 30, 2020.. It is a mystical planet that is full of wonder, it holds many secrets and acts as the astrological doorway to the other realm. Everything that is invisible and concealed from the physical world is governed by Neptune. There is a focus on art and spirituality, and self-expression comes easily in this placement. Pisces Neptune has an incredibly sharp intuition. To those who are more logical, he may come across as dreamy and skittish. Neptune first turned retrograde on June 22nd, and since then has been moving through 18-20 degrees of Pisces. Pisces Rising and Neptune in Aquarius. Neptune Retrograde Dates: June 25 to December 1. Men with this combination are going to be far more emotionally intelligent than the majority of men from other star signs. He can be transported to other dimensions and through the gates of the spiritual work by using his imagination. The Pisces Neptune woman is a gentle soul. He is very spiritual and is guided by the higher powers. Neptune has returned to its home sign of Pisces, an epic shift that will last from February 3, 2011 until January 2026. She is sensitive and caring and considers the needs of others. The double influence of Neptune means that his inspiration comes from the divine. Be aware of Neptune’s Retrograde cycle for this year:  Neptune enters the Retrograde zone on February 23, 2017, and becomes Stationary Retrograde on June 16, 2017. His caring personality and feelings toward those that he is closest to are recognized and appreciated. On December 1, 2021, Neptune will station direct at 20°24’ of Pisces. Neptune dissolves the boundaries between things, helping us surrender our separate egos and return to Source. He opens doors to new perspectives for those around him. You will develop a deeper spiritual side. Neptune in Pisces is an invitation to explore our emotional intelligence for our own unique offerings. Women with Neptune in Pisces are nearly divine.  You have the most open-minded attitude towards people who are different from you.  You may not be religious, but are very spiritual. How we express ourselves creatively can be determined by studying our birth chart and understanding how Neptune plays into it. Though he may back away when he is upset, he won’t bury his feelings. This powerful trait can bring them many benefits throughout their life. It has a powerful hold over the subconscious mind and has an influence on our personality and life. Add to cart. When they are hurt they will close themselves off to the world and reflect with introspection. Lets login and you can leave your thoughts. Due to this, she is a master of manifestation. What they are thinking and feeling are revealed to her through Neptune. NEPTUNE OPPORTUNITY - Neptune is in Pisces (its 'Home' placement) from February 3, 2012 until March 30, 2025. New communal sharing, a new spirit of all-of-us-together is the key. Like their female counterpart, the Pisces Neptune man is sensitive. Finally, this combination is going to make you really fall in love with the concept of being mindful. Since the dawn of our existence, we have searched for answers about where we come from and where we go, wondering how it all began, who is behind life, and what it is all for. It can pull people into unrealistic fantasies and is deceptive at times. He does not like to reveal his emotional side too often and can close himself off when he needs some space and a time out. The planet Neptune is also connected to addiction and drug use. In astrology, Neptune is the silent influencer with immense power. He is comfortable exploring the full potential of his mind and believes in his power as a spiritual being. This planet can help us to understand our spiritual direction and our soul’s mission. Pisces Neptune is selfless, they are always trying to assist others. Neptune in Pisces Neptune is the planet of delusion, deception, glamour and spiritual growth, while Pisces brings mystical submersion, sensitivity and idealism. The metaphysical world intrigues him. In astrology, Neptune is the silent influencer with immense power. Without understanding why this could have scared them and others, especially those who are deeply religious. The Pisces Neptune woman fantasizes about love. Pisces Neptune must learn how to ground themselves to avoid this pattern. They are on a path to enlightenment, being sidetracked by illusions that distort their perception of reality. If they fail to address they may find that their fantasies are shattered when they are forced back to reality by negative circumstances. Pisces is one of the dreamiest, most psychically sensitive zodiac signs.The Two Fish have an affinity for helping and taking care of others. There are many influences in this Universe that affect us, from our personality to the choices that we make. Neptune is the planet that takes us … To this end, she is positive and upbeat, no matter what her circumstances are or what happened in the past she knows that they cannot impact her unless she lets it. To that end, Pisces Neptune has immense creative energy. If you have Pisces in your first house, first impressions are going to have a deep and lasting effect on you when Neptune is transiting here.The karma is going to find its way back to you through your birth, … The planet Neptune will be in the sign of Pisces from 2012 to 2025. Neptune will be Direct in Pisces until June 25, 2021. From Mystical Breakdown to Mystical Breakthrough . If something is telling them not to go down a certain route or say yes to an opportunity they will follow its advice. Men with Neptune in Pisces are amazingly emotionally intelligent.  This guy has a deep personality, and has a romantic way about him. Even when she opens her heart and mind to others she is viewed as mysterious and ethereal. The closer they are to the spiritual world, the further they are pulled away from earth. You enjoy the serenity that it brings to you, and will seek to use it as often as you can. Neptune in Pisces. This … You will feel most open the psychic moments and dreams of the future that Neptune brings to you. Everything that we thought wasn’t possible suddenly becomes so thanks to Neptune. At you can read and find articles about everything from angel numbers, spirit animals, sacred numbers, to birthday horoscopes and more. You will stand by people through everything that may happen to them, and this loyalty is not something that you should shy away from. He looks toward the spirits and higher power with awe. Her partner needs to be someone that can keep up with her and fulfill her desires. As children, people may have noticed that they are extremely gifted and bright. In his presence and under his guidance one can ascend from 3-dimensional thinking to the higher planes. This year, Neptune is retrograde in Pisces, a sign where it will stay for a bit over five months, between June 25th of 2021 and December 1th of 2021. The Pisces Neptune man is open to learning more about who he is. What you will discover is that this partnership is going to result in you finding more balance in your life with a sense of contentment as to who you are as a person. If they were down to their last dollar they would find a way to give away two. When others are feeling the Retrograde cycle of Neptune draining their energy, you may feel most energized.  Put your energy to work helping those around you. Pisces Neptune are highly receptive to the spiritual and unseen world. Neptune takes 165 years to complete its cycle through the 12 Zodiac Signs.  Neptune’s position will show up in your natal chart—for Pisces, this is the Twelfth House. Women that have this particular combination are going to be very open-minded towards other people, and it is often felt that they are friendliest in this way. Aquarius and Libra can both be a supportive, and open-minded, source of love and fulfillment.  You will find acceptance in these two Signs. The questions, ‘what is my purpose?’ and ‘where am I going?’ are typical for him to entertain. You will also discover that there is a real energy to help others, and this is something that you excel in. The mysteries that lie within Neptune will cease to be an enigma once we open ourselves up to learning more. The Neptune In Pisces: Significance and Meaning. To help her on her self development journey, she must learn not to take everything so personally. If you plan on marrying the twin of the Moon, you should choose a Neptune Piscean sign, because she will not throw your expectations out the window. Neptune in Pisces Active Phase. Neptune is the planet which rules society’s ideals- the traits that are valued and rewarded. Emotionally they are very sensitive. Nikola Tesla, Vincent Van Gogh, Sigmund Freud, Johann Sebastian Bach, and Oscar Wilde. She is incredibly special and spectacular. Being in touch with emotions makes him a dream come true in the relationship department. Pisceans are kind to their friends – and strangers. Not only does the Pisces Neptune woman have a great imagination, but she can also tap into the minds of people around her. By using his powers he can tell if his partner is unhappy and will quickly remedy any issues between them. They fantasize and dream often. Categories: HoloKompass Astrology, Oholidays, Oholidays Astrology. Self and spiritual development are important to him. Neptune in Pisces dates: April 4, 2011, to August 4, 2011 February 3, 2012, to March 30, 2025 October 22, 2025, to January 26, 2026 Put on some rose-colored glasses, and look beyond the veil of consciousness. By learning more about our sign under Neptune we can uncover a layer to our personality that we may not have been aware of. Alternatively, they may alter the way in which they look at things, but the only way that you will be able to understand if this is the case is by looking at several facts connected to what generally happens when this combination happens. It is the only planet that is not visible to the naked eye, due to this it was only recently discovered in 1846 according to western astronomy. It inspires you to stay on the correct path. However, she is very sensitive to other people’s energy. They are so caught up in the invisible world that they become too detached from the physical. A Libra might want more of a commitment up-front, whereas an Aquarius may take some time to come around. Neptune, ruler of dreams, fantasies and transcendence, is currently wafting through its home sign of mystical Pisces. Description Description. 7 Little Known Facts About Neptune in Pisces 1. Everyone that she comes across is drawn in by her vibration. If she can feel it and visualize it, then it will materialize into her life with ease. It is not one to be underestimated, it can surprise us when we least expect it to. Dreams of a perfect society (a Utopia or Shangri-Lai) shape your generation, and in some way you are to embody or express these ideals. Neptune in Pisces – Woman, Man, Meaning, Personality. He is affectionate, warm, and inviting. PISCES: 5 Tips for Gaining Self-Confidence and Shedding Self-Doubt, Strange Facts about the Pisces Personality, 7 Little Known Facts About Neptune in Pisces, Ten Reasons Pisces Will Find Love In 2015, Women with Neptune in Pisces are nearly divine. They are entwined with the Universe and Source energy. Neptune in Pisces $ 89.99. Pisces represents everything in life that is beyond egocentric control—that which is not yet known; it represents the world we did not personally create but instead were simply born into. If you have been struggling with things, then it will show you that change is possible, you just need to believe in it happening. They know that they are spiritual beings and are aware of their conscious being. Idealism and self-sacrificing ways will be strong. Midheaven in Pisces Woman Element And Quality: Water & Mutable Celebrities With Neptune In Pisces: Nikola Tesla, Voltaire, Arthur Conan Doyle, Robert Louis Stevenson, Sigmund Freud, Vincent van Gogh Positive Keywords for Neptune in Pisces: Imaginative, Intuitive, Spiritual, Empathetic, Useful, Caring What does Neptune in Pisces mean? This planet rules the invisible realm. Neptune in Pisces seems to have been around a long time. Not a bad match, then, as modern theorists have surmised, suggesting Neptune replace Jupiter in the planetary hierarchy as ruler of Pisces. Some are more obvious than others but if we look hard enough some are hidden in plain sight. He is extremely deep and uses his mind in ways that others don’t. However, under the influence of both Pisces and Neptune, they are easily led astray. Neptune’s Influence in Pisces When Neptune was in the innovative sign of Aquarius back in 2010, we saw the world gradually become fixated on technology and digitization. She is enamored by the idea of falling for someone and being swept off her feet. The halfway mark of the transit was To him, building upon his spiritual connection is one of the most important things that he can do. Neptune in Pisces – Woman, Man, Meaning, Personality, Mercury Conjunct Mars – Synastry, Transit, Composite, Neptune in Aquarius – Woman, Man, Meaning, Personality, Pallas in Libra – Woman, Man, Meaning, Personality, Pallas in Scorpio – Woman, Man, Meaning, Personality, Chiron in 12th House – Synastry and Meaning, Chiron in 11th House – Synastry and Meaning, Chiron in 10th House – Synastry and Meaning, Pluto in 10th House – Synastry and Meaning, Pluto in 11th House – Synastry and Meaning. 2. is one of the leading astrology and women's lifestyle websites on the internet today. Men with Neptune in Pisces are intuitive and usually interested in sports or performing arts; they have strong desire to express their ideas and feelings or even their visions. Out of anyone that a person will meet, Pisces Neptune are most likely to have a crystal collection or use oracle cards such as tarot. Neptune is also going to help to keep you on the correct path in life, and to avoid falling into those various traps that can be waiting in any location. We seem to have been sleepwalking to disaster. This is when you will see the most significant growth of spirit. Of all the Signs, you are known as the Loner, Pisces.  You want to find your own way in life.  You are a philosopher. Some are more obvious than others but if we look hard enough some are hidden in plain sight. Your best prospects for love are with a partner who encourages your study of the world and realms around you. Planets in Zodiac. A Tsunami occurred in Japan with Neptune at 29 degrees (critical) of the previous sign – Aquarius, about to enter its new sign of Pisces. They are also extremely interested in religion. Neptune in Pisces is mystical and magical. Meditation is something that she can excel in as she will receive visions easily from above. You know what’s best for you.  If you love being single and/or traveling, you probably already know that you can find love and fulfillment within yourself, and by seeing more of the world. No matter who she comes across she views them with love and affection. When Is Neptune Retrograde? You can find love and fulfillment by recirculating positivity back into the world, especially because Neptune is guiding your way. There is no doubt that you are going to be viewed as being a friend for life when you have this particular combination. Do not fret or feel like a weirdo if you want love and acceptance, without monogamy or committed relationships. 1. Neptune stations Direct in Pisces on November 28, 2020 at 7:37 pm ET. Before the discovery of Neptune, Pisces was ruled by Jupiter. At the point of Neptune venturing into the area of Pisces, those individuals that fall under this star sign may very well discover that they are encountering several changes to their life. Neptune in Pisces is a transit that only occurs every 165 years or so, a banner time for art, spirituality and the emergence of secret information. They can be blinded by what they think and feel. You must remember, on your search for love and fulfillment, that you may need more space than some other Signs. They must find balance in order to have harmony in their mind and soul. She knows what is affecting her but she struggles with her sensitivity to external and internal factors. Energetic and free-thinking, the Pisces Neptune woman is always looking for deeper meaning in her life. This retrograde motion will last for almost the remainder of the year, but will turn direct again as 2021 begins to wrap up. Neptune in Pisces dates: April 4, 2011, to August 4, 2011 February 3, 2012, to March 30, 2025 October 22, 2025, to January 26, 2026 Put on some rose-colored glasses, and … He is self-sacrificing, considerate, and compassionate. Theories and scientific discoveries pile up, but clear answers remain elusive… The Pisces Neptune man is a delight to behold. She has a very open-minded attitude which helps her work with a lot of different people, coming from many different domains and fields. There is never a moment when she does not understand why she feels the way she does. He enjoys tapping into his extrasensory gifts and connects with the Universe through the portal in his mind. 2011 —> 2025. Whatever they believe in their faith is strong. The occult, esoteric ventures, fantasies, and dreams are all under its spell. If neither of you are looking for a specifically long-term, committed, monogamous relationship then just remain friends. Neptune will offer you inspiration to keep on the path towards finding true love and happiness. He enjoys surprising his partner and will thoughtfully pick out gifts for them, knowing that they will love what they receive. You are more in tune with your emotions and do not believe that showing them is going to result in it being a sign of weakness. Published Feb. 13, 2020 | Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: I keep forgetting to factor Neptune in Pisces as a major element in all we are experiencing. She is always dreaming and fantasizing about anything her mind can imagine. They actively nurture their innate spiritual abilities and try to increase the potency of their gifts whenever they can. Neptune Pisces Transiting the First House . They trust their gut and will not hesitate to listen to their inner guidance system. They tend to be actively engaged in practicing spiritual beliefs and maybe fluent in certain areas of New Age Thought. She has a clear view and sharp senses. Both external and internal triggers can set them off on a plight where they go deep inside of themselves. The world was introduced to something we had never seen before - social networking (which, interestingly enough, is ruled by Aquarius). Calm and calm, a man born of Pisces often hides the passionate side of his nature and inner turmoil. It inspires you to stay on the correct path. The idea of being whisked away on a romantic break or being surprised by a candlelit dinner fills her heart with joy. To him, there is no difference between what occurs in his fantasies and what exists in the invisible realm. Holding spiritual views and practicing them is amazing, however Pisces Neptune can be one-sided. The Pisces man has a strong and exuberant imagination, expressing his thoughts through writing, dance or songs. Instead, it is something to be admired by others. They are always thinking of others and putting them first. Anything that he creates using his energy will provide an insight into his mysterious mind. Neptune’s province is the generation, manifestation and dissolution of dreams. They are something to be celebrated and must be embraced. Neptune can also cause disillusion. As of February 3, 2012, we are collectively experiencing three major, life-altering transits: Neptune in Pisces until 2025; Pluto in Capricorn until 2024; and Uranus in Aries until 2019. You will have the opportunity for growth as well as showing others what you are really about, so take advantage of it. It's important to note that Neptune takes about 164 years to make a complete cycle, spending about thirteen years in each sign, and therefore the interpretation applies to a generation rather than the individual. Since then? They are generous and caring men, always in search for love. Neptune goes Stationary Direct on November 22, 2017.  Neptune leaves the Retrograde zone on March 13, 2018. Thanks to Neptune, you are going to develop a deeper spiritual side that will also bring with it a number of clear advantages. The contents of her thoughts hold gems that light up the lives of those around her. She must put up healthy barriers to prevent herself from being drained. Thus, the planetary influences of Jupiter and Neptune working in unison manifest in the Pisces Woman as a penchant for helping others, goodwill, camaraderie, and hope for humanity. Neptune in Pisces Man and Woman. A conversation with her is never boring, the twists and turns in her stories from her imagination keep her listeners on the edge of their seats. This will allow you to really get in touch with your own inner self and to grow as a person in ways and means that you have never experienced before. Her energy is infectious. They seem to float through life in a trance-like daze as they are easily distracted and side-swept by the pull of Neptune. On 27th November, the planet of dreams and illusion shall meet the sign of magic and romance; Neptune will turns direct in its home sign, Pisces. As mystical people, they are attracted to the supernatural and the occult. Neptune is also going to help to keep you on the correct path in life,... 3. Pisces Rising and Neptune in Pisces Men with Neptune in Pisces are not only Ruled by Neptune, but also currently sit in this position.  Since Neptune will be in Pisces until 2025, it is important to be aware of Neptune’s pull on him. He is always respectful of his partner’s needs and will do what it takes to make sure that they are on the same page. With Neptune’s transit out of Aquarius and into Pisces we will pass from massive change personally and socially into understanding a new order of life. Outstanding and creative, a Pisces-born man often makes top achievements in the art world. Pisces, you will find love and fulfillment.When you feel like being around others, try to really soak it in. He is not distracted by material items and is not concerned by his earthly value. On November 28th, we experience Neptune Direct in Pisces … People who are under its influence are unique and special in a variety of ways.
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