Neptune Rules the Subconscious It is the God of the Sea, and in astrology rules Pisces, the twelfth sign of the zodiac. Neptune going retrograde gives us a total of six planets in retrograde.. With so many planets in retrograde motion, there is a strong focus to revisit the past, to look over things before moving ahead, and to pause and reflect. Neptune retrograde, which occurs from Tuesday, June 23, to Saturday, November 28, will push us out of our comfort zone and towards a more compassionate future. Movement of Neptune this year: In 2019, Neptune travels to 18 degrees of Pisces, then turns retrograde and travels backward to 15 degrees of Pisces, turns direct and travels forward through 18 degrees of Pisces again, finishing the span in early 2020. If you feel extra sensitive emotionally, don’t be surprised. June 17, 2020 Neptune retrograde in the birth chart is more common than inner planet retrogrades such as Mercury and Venus. We now have five planets retrograde. We offer you a calendar of retrograde planets in 2020. This year, all the planets will be retrograde, some of them more times (Mercury and Uranus) and the others one time (Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto). With Neptune going retrograde over the next 5 months, you will find you have a clearer and sharpe At the Traveler’s Well, we explore the intersection of astrology, our daily lives and the spiritual path. Today, we are writing about Mars, Saturn and Neptune, who are all retrograde in the signs they rule. In the zodiac, Neptune is the planet that rules over Pisces and represents dreams, psychic abilities and receptivity, illusion, mystery, confusion, spirituality and inspiration, among other things. Neptune Retrograde allows us to put the past behind us, for this is also a forgiving planet which embraces universal love. Between 11/27/2019 and 3/17/2020, this is the “shadow period” of Neptune’s retrograde journey. AstroSeek, Free Horoscopes and charts 2021 Astro-Seek… Click astrology graphics to see larger images. On the plus side there are a bunch of supportive trines and sextiles to provide support and stability, and Pluto finally shifts into direct motion after a long period in retrograde. Neptune Is Going Retrograde For *Gulp* Pretty Much the Rest of 2020—Here’s What That Means For You Below, Lang breaks down what each of the 4 elements of the zodiac can expect from the Neptune retrograde of 2020.. Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Neptune going retrograde gives us a total of six planets in retrograde.. With so many planets in retrograde motion, there is a strong focus to revisit the past, to look over things before moving ahead, and to … Mercury retrograde is generally associated with communication and technology breakdowns, nervous tension, travel delays, and lost items. Venus turned direct on June 25th. ... which will be stationing retrograde tomorrow – is also sextile to accomodating Venus in organized Virgo (at 12:39 pm), an aspect that can naturally turn our thoughts to matters such as love and friendship. It caused quite a bit of chaos. Neptune in Pisces enters its annual retrograde from June 22nd until November 29th. If you want to discuss Neptune transits with me, or would like to know what means for you when Neptune stations Retrograde, you can purchase an astrology reading. You may not feel it. Also read: 2020 is predicted to be a huge year in astrology—but what does that mean for you? We had something similar in August, 2018. The strengthening or mending of relationships around this time can forge deeper and long-lasting ones for the future. When is Neptune Retrograde in 2020? This Mercury retrograde begins at 12 degrees of Pisces, with Mercury in conjunction to Neptune at 17 degrees. Neptune is the planet of dreams and illusions. Neptune turned retrograde on the 23rd. ... Support me on Patreon to fund my daily astrology blog posts.
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