Common antacids contain calcium carbonate (Tums, Rolaids) and/or magnesium (Mylanta, Maalox, milk of magnesia), and provide relief of heartburn within 5 minutes. Like all pharmaceutical drugs there are going to be side effects. 1985 Aug 2;110(31-32):1216-9. doi: 10.1055/s-2008-1068987. However, heartburn is a far more ominous sign with serious complications than just a burning sensation in the throat. Acid Reflux is a common health condition and is often brushed aside as a minor irritant. Since antacids are essentially alkaline in nature, they shouldn’t be taken along with acidic medicines like digoxin, phenytoin and chlorpromazine. If this goes on for some time, your body will develop deficiency of nutrients such as minerals and vitamins. Jitendra is a microbiologist and a passionate student of the human body. Experts advise taking antacids to treat occasional heartburn. As more calcium is excreted, part of it continues to be deposited such that the kidney stones grow in size. Taking antacids can lead to constipation. Side effects of antacids include the following: While some antacids can cause constipation, others can do the opposite. This may lead to deficiency-induced diseases such as anemia in case of iron deficiency.3), Osteoporosis is a serious potential side effect of long-term use of antacids. Read to know about Long-term Side effects of taking antacids. The kidney stones may also block urine from flowing easily through the ureters to the bladder. Talk to your provider if you have: Pain or symptoms that do not get better with antacids Symptoms every day or at night Some of the side effects include fatigue, weakness in muscles, and osteomalacia or softening of the bones. Antacids contain alkaline chemicals that will neutralize the acid. To counteract side effects and limit the potential toxicity of a single compound, combination antacids are now more widely used. [Article in German] Leopolder-Ochsendorf A, Holtermüller KH. And while occasional use of antacids generally has little adverse effects, long-term use can lead to a number of side effects, some of which are serious. While it is difficult to endure abdominal discomfort, antacids do not belong in the digestive system. Antacids do not usually have many side effects if they're only taken occasionally and at the recommended dose. Antacids may cause dose-dependent rebound hyperacidity and milk-alkali syndrome. But sometimes they can cause: diarrhoea or constipation; flatulence (wind) stomach cramps Back pain especially in the middle and low back, in the kidney area (related to kidney stones). Side effects are more prevalent when the product is overused or taken for longer than inten… This medication can cause nausea, constipation, diarrhea, or headache. Keep medicines out of reach of children. Always use medicines within their expiration dates. In fact, it is not advisable to take antacids for more than six weeks straight. Listed below are common side effects of antacids, based on their ingredients. If you get muscle twitching while you are taking antacids, it is advisable that you stop or request your doctor to change the type of prescribed antacids if you need them. While this does not occur in everyone, it is a common problem especially in those who take calcium- or aluminum- based antacids. While some antacids can cause constipation, others can do the opposite. The active ingredients in most common antacids include calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, and sodium carbonate. [Side effects of antacids] [Side effects of antacids] [Side effects of antacids] Dtsch Med Wochenschr. Antacid side effects include constipation, headache, and changes in mood. High calcium and alkali can come either from calcium supplements to treat osteoporosis or from antacids. Another class of antacids called proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) works by blocking the production of stomach acid. If you are taking liquid, it is advisable to take it undiluted or with very little water. Antacids are a good treatment for heartburn that occurs once in a while. Side effects of antacids are mild and include constipation, nausea, and diarrhea. Magnesium-containing antacids tend to be laxative whereas aluminium-containing antacids may be constipating; antacids containing both magnesium and aluminium may reduce these colonic side-effects. All antacids containing calcium tend to cause constipation, while antacids containing magnesium tend to produce diarrhea. Other antacid side effects can include lightheadedness, dizziness and muscle pain. Antacid used frequently, in large amount and for a prolonged period of time can lead to several side effects such as: Constipation: Constipation is one of the most frequent side effects of antacids. The syndrome can lead to other complications including calcification of various organs in the body, which may lead to organ dysfunction or failure. Acid is part of the chemicals that the body uses to break down food so that it can be absorbed into the bloodstream. 10 Side Effects of Antacids You Probably Don’t Know. Stomach pain. Taking antacids containing calcium for an extended period can cause the body to excrete high amounts of calcium through urine. However, the effectiveness of these treatments may not be comparable to those of other antacids and/or the two classes of acid reducers. Associated side effects of overusing antacids are poor digestion, watery stools, risk of formation of rickets etc. This compound depletes nutrients like Calcium, Phosphorous, Zinc, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D from the body. If your acid reflux persists, there might be a problem within your gut that you need to look at seriously. [Side effects of antacids]. Side effects vary based on antacid ingredients, but can include: Gas or belching; Swelling in the feet, ankles, and hands (products containing sodium … They cause reduction in the absorption of these drugs leading to reduced effect of these drugs on the body. Magnesium sulfate-containing antacids may cause side effects such as: This drug depletes nutrients like Calcium, Phosphorous, Zinc, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D. Calcium carbonate-containing antacids may cause side effects such as: Overuse of this antacid may cause severe accumulation of calcium in the blood, called hypercalcemia. Antacids containing sodium bicarbonate affect the acidity of the urine, thereby affecting the elimination of certain drugs (like quinidines and amphetamines) by the kidneys. And while occasional use of antacids generally has little adverse effects, long-term use can lead to a number of side effects, some of which are serious. For tonight. How Over-the-Counter Antacids Are Messing, Constipation (caused by aluminum-containing antacids) or. Relief came almost instantly. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. If you take antacids regularly, and you experience pain in the lower part of your abdomen, or blood in urine, you should stop taking the antacids and consult your doctor. Misuse or overuse of PPIs can result in numerous negative side effects, so it is critical to be routinely re-evaluated by your physician. This site contains affiliate links to products. Her acid reflux seemed to have given her another health issue – constipation. Marissa is a classic example of someone who is suffering from the side effects of heartburn medicine, or over the counter antacids, that have become a regular part of the daily lives of millions of Americans. Some of the side effects include fatigue, weakness in muscles, and osteomalacia or softening of the bones. Weight loss is another possible side effect of antacids. You may have side effects from taking antacids. Liquid forms of antacids work faster than tablets. The following section is related to the side effects of antacids. Other rare side-effects that have been noted depend on the active substance present in the antacid used. Her throat was burning. Constipation is quite common with Tums. The hard or infrequent bowel movements of constipation may be accompanied by abdominal pain, cramping or bloating. Side effects of aluminum containing antacids include: Diarrhea and constipation, feeling of discomfort, loss of appetite, mood or mental changes, weakness, calcium loss, osteoporosis, kidney stones, swelling or wrist or ankles, bone pain and pale or clay-colored stools. Magnesium-based antacids may cause diarrhea. However, they only work temporarily — for 30 to 60 minutes tops. Terms of Use, Marissa had been taking over the counter antacids since a month now. Side effects of antacid therapy are dose dependant and compound related. Diarrhea occurs when there are three or more episodes of watery, loose, and liquid stools a day. These two type of antacids namely aluminum and calcium containing antacids cause constipation if they are taken for long period of time. Those who experience side effects most commonly suffer from changes in bowel functions, such as diarrhea, constipation, or flatulence. Misuse or overuse of PPIs can result in numerous negative side effects, so it is critical to be routinely re-evaluated by your physician. Description . Gastrointestinal infections We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. However, it can lead to the following symptoms. Long-term intake of calcium carbonate antacids can cause your body to get excessive amounts of calcium, a condition called hypercalcemia. The material appearing on is for educational use only. SIDE EFFECTS OF ANTACIDS / Have you ever had heartburn? This happens because by neutralizing or blocking acid production, antacids raise the pH within the bloodstream. Eating too many Tums may irritate your digestive tract, causing nausea, vomiting, stomach discomfort and loss of appetite. She searched frantically in the kitchen drawers for something that would relieve her of pain. Constant use of antacids can lead to weight loss because the resultant reduction of stomach acid interferes with the digestion of food, and therefore, the absorption of some nutrients. And the night after. Antacids that contain aluminum can cause a variety of health complications including constipation, osteomalacia and hypophosphatemia. Excessive intake of antacids can also lead to slowed breathing. Heartburn happens when acidic contents of the stomach reflux back into the esophagus and inflame its sensitive lining. [Side effects of antacids]. Antacids & Acid suppressants – the importance of low stomach acid; 1. People take antacids for different stomach problems; indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux and GERD. All expired medicines should be disposed of safely to avoid their misuse. Table of Contents. Osteoporosis due to antacid use is usually associated with aluminum-based antacids. Antacids that contain aluminum tend to bind with phosphates which play an important role in your body chemistry. She got up and rushed to the kitchen. And she thought she would throw up. Side effects from antacids vary depending on individual and other medications they may be taking at the time. long term effects of antacids. Prolonged use of aluminium-based antacids in large doses can decrease the phosphate levels in the body. This leads to a burning sensation in the esophagus. Antacids are generally made from alkaline chemicals which combine with acids to form salts. Despite the surgery, she still suffered pain and was put on anti-inflammatory drugs as well as powerful antacids to protect her stomach from the potentially damaging effects of the drugs. And in many cases, the problem goes; although the relief may only be short-lived. Long-term use of antacids can cause side effects in some users. It can also lead to a condition called milk-alkali syndrome which causes damage of the internal lining of the stomach and the duodenum. There are some foods,  such as grains, meat, alcohol, etc. You can drink alcohol while taking antacids, but alcohol can irritate your stomach and make your symptoms worse. Besides taking part in the digestion of food, stomach acid also kills disease causing microorganisms like bacteria, fungi and viruses. Magnesium-containing antacids can bind to antibiotics such as tetracycline and reduce its absorption and thus, its efficacy. Antacids taken with drugs like pseudoephedrine and levodopa cause increased absorption of these drugs and can cause drug toxicity or adverse effects of drug overdose. Antacids are available as single compounds or in combinations. Antacids & Acid suppressants are used to heal conditions like acidity, gastritis, dyspepsia, GERD, & peptic ulcer. In order to avoid the common side effects of overusing antacids, it is best to follow medical advice. Some of the common side effects of overusing antacids are constipation, diarrhea, muscle pain and cramps, kidney stone and osteoporosis. Also, the abuse of antacids can disturb the body’s detoxification pathways. This will expose your digestive system, and the body in general, to potential infections including pneumonia.5). [Article in German] Leopolder-Ochsendorf A, Holtermüller KH. [Side effects of antacids] [Side effects of antacids] Dtsch Med Wochenschr. However, slow breathing can mean that your body does not get adequate amounts of oxygen. The ingredients present in antacid tablets are responsible for the unwanted side effects. For this reason, a significant amount of the food that you eat will not be properly digested. This may not seem like a problem. Avoid acidic, spicy, fried foods if you suffer from heartburn. Recent research has shown PPIs are ineffective in controlling GERD symptoms in the majority users. [Article in German] Authors A Leopolder-Ochsendorf, K H Holtermüller. Antacids also increase the excretion of acidic drugs like aspirin. The least important side effects are constipation (aluminum-containing antacids) or diarrhea (magnesium-containing antacids. There are far gentler options to treat heartburn symptoms effectively. Side Effect #1: Diarrhea. While antacids may relieve your symptoms, they won’t fix the root of the problem if you have an underlying health condition. To counteract side effects and limit the potential toxicity of a single compound, combination antacids are now more widely used. Antacids can trigger feeling of vertigo and cause minor to moderate headache. You can start with the following dosages in consultation with your physician. That’s because over-the-counter antacids are really only intended for occasional, short-term treatment of minor digestive issues. Bothersome Side Effects Antacids may interfere with normal bowel movement. Your medical history: Antacids aren’t safe for everyone to take, says Dr. Ghouri, and there may be side effects. Aluminium accumulation does not appear to be a risk if renal function is normal. Side effects of antacids include the following: Diarrhea. However, few product combinations show side effects that invalidate each other. that will make your heartburn worse. She was fighting at two fronts now, and she was scared a third front may open up soon. Short Term Side Effects of Antacids. We’ve already talked about proton pump inhibitors (like Nexium) and histamine antagonists (or H2 antagonists like Zantac and Pepcid) in earlier articles. Sodium bicarbonate ingestion provokes metabolic alkalosis and alkaliuria, the "nonsystemic … There are side effects from taking too many antacids. Marissa got up with a start. Antacids can cause constipation and diarrhea. What Is Meditation and Why Is It Important?,,,, Mediterranean Diet: Live a Long and Healthy Life. Magnesium hydroxide-containing antacids may cause gastrointestinal side effects like: These side effects are also a result of depletion of vital nutrients like calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D. Occasionally, people who have taken this medicine have experienced digestive symptoms such as mild diarrhea, stomach cramps and belching. Common Side Effects. Digestive Tract Effects. But, do you know that overuse or long-term use of antacids can have side effects, some of which are serious? Side effects associated with some antacids include: diarrhea, with antacids that contain magnesium constipation, with antacids that contain calcium or aluminum inhibited bone mineralization, … Among the six classes of antacids, the two with the least troubling side effects are aluminum-magnesium combination antacids and foaming agents based on alginic acid. It should be taken 1 hour after a meal or when you experience symptoms. This creates a vicious cycle where overuse of antacids makes your heartburn worse and you take more antacids to get relief. Side effects that can happen immediately after you start taking antacids include: Apart from these side effects that can be taken care of relatively easily, antacids can also cause a potentially fatal side effect called “milk-alkali syndrome.” This condition is characterized by high blood calcium and absorbable alkali. In few cases, it has been found that the side effects of antacids have created even greater problems than the condition the medicine was given to treat. The ingredients present in antacid tablets are responsible for the unwanted side effects. Some are sold under a brand name and others are named after their main ingredient. Antacid used frequently, in large amount and for a prolonged period of time can lead to several side effects such as: Constipation: Constipation is one of the most frequent side effects of antacids. 3. Among the six classes of antacids, the two with the least troubling side effects are aluminum-magnesium combination antacids and foaming agents based on alginic acid. Get this 5-step holistic system now, and regain your natural inner balance! When you take an antacid, it neutralizes stomach acid or blocks its production. If you have problems, try another brand. However, abdominal problems mean that you may have to use an antacid to relieve the discomfort. One of the most important roles of stomach acid is the breakdown of food for further digestion by other digestive juices and enzymes. Urinary frequency, loss of appetite and irregular heart beat can also occur. Take antacids about 1 hour after eating or when you have heartburn. What are the side effects of antacids? 1985 Aug 2;110(31-32):1216-9. Headaches Dreamstime. If you use antacids often and have problems with side effects, talk with your health care provider. What are the side effects of antacids? Upset stomach. Our discussion today explores the problems that antacids may cause if you make them a common feature of your life. This causes dependence on antacids that may have precarious consequences in the future. However, because calcium is not fully soluble in urine, some of it is deposited within the kidneys. Signs and symptoms include tachycardia, decreased urination, irritability, decreased responsiveness, and … The main types of antacids are calcium-based, magnesium-based, and sodium bicarbonate antacids. Side Effects of Antacids 16 Dec 2010 Antacid medicines have been in use for a very long time and many people consider them to be harmless medicines taken to neutralize stomach acid. Diarrhea (caused by magnesium-containing antacids). However, they can occur, even when you use them according to the directions. Some headaches cause a dull, throbbing pain, and others are characterized by a sharper, more intense pain. Bismuth subsalicylate and calcium carbonate can cause constipation, while proton pump inhibitors carry a risk of bone fractures, vitamin deficiencies, and kidney disease, though this isn’t typical with short-term use. Rebound hyperacidity, diarrhea, constipation and weak bones are some of the side effects of the seemingly innocuous fruity, and minty flavored tablets and liquids. Do you take antacids occasionally or daily? Side Effects . Headaches can develop on one or both sides of the head, and they frequently affect the forehead area. Terms & Conditions If you find that you need to take antacids regularly, every day for more than 1 or 2 weeks, talk to your doctor. Antacids can cause constipation and diarrhea. Untreated milk-alkali syndrome may result in kidney failure and death. The type of antacids available include calcium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate and magnesium-aluminum hydroxide combinations. Some combination products have side effects that cancel each other out (for example, aluminium causes constipation and magnesium causes diarrhea so products containing a combination of these two ingredients are more likely to have a neutral effect on the bowel). Prolonged use of aluminium-based antacids in large doses can decrease the phosphate levels in the body. When significant amounts of food eaten are excreted without digestion, the body does not benefit from it. While the term “antacid” technically means any drug that blocks stomach acids by any means, we will restrict ourselves in this article to acid neutralizing antacids. In the beginning, the condition usually has no symptoms (asymptomatic). Long-term side effects of antacids vary, depending on what is included in them. Associated side effects of overusing antacids are poor digestion, watery stools, risk of formation of rickets etc. If these symptoms persist or become severe, notify your doctor. Why Antacids Side Effects Are Putting Your Health At Risk The Side Effects Of Antacids. He believes nature holds the key to restore us back to health and balance. If you experience heartburn or chest pain and find yourself popping antacids more than two or three times a week, it is time to see your doctor. But we often tend to disregard these instructions and use antacids indiscriminately, because (a) we want immediate symptomatic relief, and (b) we do not understand the real cause of acid reflux and do not know how to treat it at the root. The risk is higher for people who have a family history of the disease.4). Common side-effects of antacids include diarrhea, bloating and poor digestion. Those who experience side effects most commonly suffer from changes in bowel functions, such as diarrhea, constipation, or flatulence. However, if you regularly take antacids, your stomach will be low on acid. One of the major side effects of antacid overuse is the increased risk of osteoporosis. She gulped it down praying that the hot bile be washed away. There are various causes of constipation such as irritable bowel syndrome, hypothyroidism, diabetes, pelvic floor disorders, and side effects of medications like opioids, antacids, anticholinergics, and calcium channel blockers. This has the nasty effect of magnifying the negative impact that toxins have on our a health. It is used as an antacid to relieve the symptoms of indigestion and heartburn.It is also used to prevent osteoporosis, as a calcium supplement, and to treat high phosphate levels in patients with kidney disease. Most products have few side effects when taken as directed on the label. Side effects from antacids are rare. If you are affected, try a different antacid if you need it. Antacids that contain aluminum tend to bind with phosphates which play an important role in your body chemistry. 1. and Privacy Policy. Common types of antacids. Common Side Effects Of Overuse Of Antacids. What are the side effects of antacids? Some of the common side effects of overusing antacids are constipation, diarrhea, muscle pain and cramps, kidney stone and osteoporosis. An extra production of stomach acid makes acidity with symptoms like heartburn, dyspepsia, gastric inflammation & ulcers in the stomach. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. The condition is characterized by weakened bones. The lowest GoodRx price for the most common version of Tums is around $5.76, 26% off the average retail price of $7.88. [Article in German] Authors A Leopolder-Ochsendorf, K H Holtermüller. 1985 Aug 2;110(31-32):1216-9. Be it any type of antacid, some common side effects that can occur from taking this medicine are given below: Bothersome Side Effects. These include increased intake of certain ions which make up the antacids taken, and malabsorption of minerals from food due to reduced stomach acid levels. But first, let us get to understand what antacids really are. Some side-effects of antacids, H2 blockers and PPI, which are rare, could include headache, stomach pain, nausea, constipation or diarrhea … These are not all of the side effects that may occur. professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. He is a firm believer in the power of alternative and holistic medicine. Over time, these calcium deposits form crystalline solids called kidney stones. Side effects that can happen immediately after you start taking antacids include: Headache; Nausea; Constipation (caused by aluminum-containing antacids) or; Diarrhea (caused by magnesium-containing antacids). Always store your medicines in a cool, dry place so as not to affect their efficacy. An upset stomach is a very common side-effect. If you experience heartburn at night, take the antacid just before going to bed. Upset stomach or throwing up. Eating too many Tums may irritate your digestive tract, causing nausea, vomiting, stomach discomfort and loss of appetite. The most common and popular brands of over the counter heartburn medicines are: Alka-Seltzer, Gaviscon, Gelusil, Maalox, Mylanta, Rolaids, Tums, Pepto-Bismol, Alternagel, Amphojel and Milk of Magnesia. Antacids that contain aluminum hydroxide may cause constipation , aluminum-intoxication, osteomalacia, and hypophosphatemia. At the same time, large amounts of carbon dioxide remain within the bloodstream. You could also consult a doctor for advice.2). The side effects of antacids directly relate to the ingredients they contain. One of the major side effects of antacid overuse is the increased risk of osteoporosis. Copyright © 2018-2020 Moonjur Healthcare Inc. Use of this web site constitutes acceptance of the There are side effects from taking too many antacids. Over the counter antacids are meant for relieving symptoms of the occasional acid reflux. High dose antacid intake may lead to fluid retention in the body depending on the sodium content of the different antacid preparations. These stomach pains can also cause temporary loss of … Call your doctor or get medical help if any of these side effects or any other side effects bother you or do not go away: Constipation. Side effects of aluminum containing antacids include: Diarrhea and constipation, feeling of discomfort, loss of appetite, mood or mental changes, weakness, calcium loss, osteoporosis, kidney stones, swelling or wrist or ankles, bone pain and pale or clay-colored stools. Taking antacids for more than the prescribed duration can cause what is known as “rebound hyperacidity.” Here the body tries to compensate for the constant neutralization of its stomach acid by producing more amounts of acid, thereby making your acid reflux even worse. This may lead to pain and blood in urine. People taking antacids may suffer from irregular bowel pattern (constipation) while some complain about frequent bowel movement (diarrhea). Side effects from antacids vary depending on individual and other medications they may be taking at the time. Do not gulp down the whole tablet with water. Diarrhea caused by antacids usually only lasts for the period you remain on the medication and disappears once you get off them.1). Side Effects. Antacids are available as single compounds or in combinations. Flatulence refers to the state where there are gases in the stomach or intestine resulting in the breaking of wind or passing of gas through the anus. The question of side effects usually arises when the prescription dosage is not followed or the medication is taken on a long-term basis. The burning did not stop. Large amounts of calcium carbonate-containing antacids (for example, Tums) can affect the balances of calcium and acid in the body and damage the kidneys.Calcium-containing antacids also can stimulate … If you are like most people, you pop an antacid pill or dissolve an antacid powder in a glass of water and take it. It will be wise to keep away from them. In people with kidney failure, these antacids can cause severe problems of hypermagnesia (increased magnesium levels in the blood) due to the reduced ability of kidneys to clear excessive magnesium from the blood. Turning Your Health Around. Not hungry. CALCIUM CARBONATE is a calcium salt. This means that the microorganisms whose numbers would ordinarily be decimated by stomach acid can grow to excessive levels. She would sleep. Aluminum hydroxide-containing antacids may cause side effects like: These side effects are a result of depletion of vital nutrients like: Magnesium carbonate-containing antacids may cause gastrointestinal side effects like flatulence and diarrhea. But this is not true. Prolonged diarrhea can result in dehydration due to fluid loss. By Emily Fowler. Aluminum and magnesium antacids work quickly to lower the acid in the stomach. Another side effect of antacids is muscle twitching. The larger kidney stones embedded within the kidneys and the urinary tract may cause injuries. Side effects from antacids vary depending on individual and other medications they may be taking at the time. Recent research has shown PPIs are ineffective in controlling GERD symptoms in the majority users. Side effects. If you use antacids often and have problems with side effects, talk with your health care provider. Antacids can either cause constipation or have a laxative … Over time, this can cause significant weight loss. Guide To Side Effects Linked To Antacids. Both antacids and PPIs act as a “band-aid” to alleviate symptoms rather than treat the underlying problem. Antacids Side Effects. Antacids should be taken for heartburn that occurs once in a while. If you are taking a tablet, chew it slowly. Action of Antacids Side effects of PPIs are rare and typically not serious, but you may experience stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea or constipation, headache or itching. However, few product combinations show side effects that invalidate each other.
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