best. It’s a fran­chise that has bro­ken records time and time again and, accord­ing to the Amer­i­can Mar­ket­ing Asso­ci­a­tion, “Star Wars: Episode IV — A New Hope” changed mar­ket­ing for­ev­er upon its release on May 25, 1977, becom­ing the first movie to real­ly har­ness mer­chan­dis­ing pow­er – and sub­se­quent­ly sell­ing $20 bil­lion worth of goods. This milk was way too cold for a gold­en biki­ni. A few paragraphs outlining who’s winning, who’s losing, and the key events that defined the prior round. Here are 101 Star Wars encounter ideas that a game master can use in their campaign. So you want to run a game but not sure how to fit it in to the dense (although now largely decanonized) Star Wars lore? #MayThe4thBeWithYou. Let’s take a few parsecs to wonder why the folks behind 'The Last Jedi' bother to pay a single penny to market the movie? What’s your favorite Star-Wars-themed mar­ket­ing moment? The first session ended up going great (we gamed for nearly 12 hours). May the Force be… equal to mass x accel­er­a­tion. Note: Links that lead to other sites will open in a new window. George Lucas named the characters in the original Star Wars trilogy by steering away from science fictional words and instead trying to create ones that sounded indigenous and had a sense of some kind of culture. Here is the first half of 101 Star Wars Encounter Ideas (1-50): Mar 14, 2018 - DeviantArt is the world's largest online social community for artists and art enthusiasts, allowing people to connect through the creation and sharing of art. Campaign The Dawn of Defiance campaign opens some months after the rise of the Empire, with the Clone Wars a very recent and vivid memory for most beings in the galaxy. Even after they manage to escape they are still in great danger; do they try to reach out to the distress calls of other Jedi or go into hiding? So, I started an Age of Rebellion campaign and we're now getting in to the nitty gritty of the story and I've had an idea to open the galaxy up to the players. The group of elite clones accompanying the mission turn their blasters on the Jedi Masters, who manage to hold off the clones just long enough for the padawans to retreat deeper into the ruins. This uses the "Aurum" map set. Desperately outnumbered and outgunned, the Rebels are forced to extreme tactics to destroy the Dyson sphere before it is too late. I will probably introduce a secret society of Force Artifact collectors in my game. … 99% Upvoted. Star Wars RPG Adventures & Modules. #IfS­tar­War­sHadTwit­ter R2D2 would Tweet in full emo­jis, #C3PO would go over 140 char­ac­ters #Star­Wars­Day, In 2014, the OS made a tech-and-Star-Wars-themed pater­ni­ty joke that tied back to its OneDrive ser­vice…, May the 4th be with you. Campaign ideas. #MayThe4thBeWithYou #Hap­pyS­tar­Wars­Day — NASA (@NASA) May 4, 2014. As the name suggests, it is a crossover between Star Wars and Fire Emblem, borrowing the setting and plot from … So what now? Just, tell me when and how." Archived. #MayThe4th, — JOLLY RANCHER (@Jolly_Rancher) May 4, 2015. The players are members of the Jedi order ready to prove themselves as capable initiates. This idea is central to the Bounty Hunter class in The Old Republic game, but it's actually appeared a few other places across Star Wars media. #maythe­fourth­be­with­y­ou — Unit­ed (@united) May 4, 2014, Guid­ing the force 24/7. To push its Star Wars-themed mac and cheese, Kraft exe­cut­ed a spot that gen­tly pokes fun of Star Wars fan fer­vor in a room full of nev­er-before-played-with col­lectibles, along with an inter­ac­tive web­site that allows fans to explore the col­lec­tion as well. So, Star Wars and/or mar­ket­ing fans, brace your­self for char­ac­ters made out of food, cin­na­mon roll hair jokes, Force puns, tongue-in-cheek ref­er­ences to pater­ni­ty, black/white jux­ta­po­si­tion, and plen­ty of gen­uine­ly lov­ing trib­utes from pre­sum­ably nos­tal­gic brands and mar­keters. While Star Wars and the Dan­ish toy com­pa­ny cer­tain­ly have a deep and mean­ing­ful rela­tion­ship, their most mem­o­rable joint exe­cu­tion was per­haps the life-size X‑Wing fight­er jet in Times Square, which, at the time, was the largest Lego struc­ture built to date. Of all games in the series, the only campaign that contains canon events since Lucasfilm's reset of Star Wars canon is DICE's Star Wars Battlefront II. Instead, here’s a look at 38 brands – one for each year since its release – that have incor­po­rat­ed Star Wars into their con­sumer out­reach, which fur­ther under­scores the breadth of the franchise’s mar­ket­ing pow­er. I'm trying to outline a campaign for my DND group and would be open to ideas. Once they arrive they discover that it has much more than they expected; a Sith cult has operated out of the ruins for years, using them to worship a long dead fallen Jedi by the name of Gren Tarrth. We collect these names from different sources from the internet so you can easily pick a name from this collection and make your own team name that relates to star … Stay on tar­get. The Heroes are told to intercept and smuggle a mysterious container from an Imperial weapons manufacturer. No point in arguing, Star Wars marketing campaign was all about teasing the audience: unexpected plot twists, featured in trailers, well-thought social media campaign, and behind-the-scenes videos. As the Order assembles a Jedi task force to address the phenomenon. Upon investigating they discover that someone is seeking out both Jedi and Sith and removing their abilities to wield the Force. Here's where I prove all real Star Wars fans hate Star Wars. Toi­let paper brand Charmin – of paper-stuck-to-bear fame – has pre­vi­ous­ly used May 4 as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to #Tweet­FromThe­Seat and make its own bun pun. Not sur­pris­ing­ly, per­haps, a rep for agency Win­dowseat told AdWeek the effort – which includes skin, Star Wars ban­ter and Quiznos prod­ucts sprin­kled through­out – sought to attract young adult males. The idea would be for there to be a number of 'Story' missions that would propel the campaign forward, as well as a number of 'side' missions that the team can freely take up or ignore if they wanted to. Generates everything you need to start a new campaign from scratch. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window). STAR WARS campaign - story ideas for a Padawan party. Its then that Luke Skywalker comes on the comm and it appears as events are unfolding as we all remember it from the films. But unlike the movie, Vader’s TIE fighter is on Luke’s tail and Han and Chewie in the Millennium Falcon are nowhere to be found. 1 Systems. So their you have it, lots of ideas to help you jump your new campaign into hyperspace! Now, the first and second games in the Battlefront series took two different directions with Historical Campaign; the first one had it so that you simply battle to win, while the second one only gave you victory when you fulfilled certain objectives. In 2014, the Colonel’s quick-serve chick­en empire turned to Vine to illus­trate yet anoth­er way to har­ness the Force for good: May the fourth be with you. Stay tuned.). Others are big encounters, such as encounters that may evolve into a social interaction or combat. Rival burg­er slinger Whataburg­er built its own walk­er out of condi­ments. The social media man­age­ment plat­form cel­e­brat­ed May 4, 2015 by pon­tif­i­cat­ing about what Star Wars would be like with Twit­ter. Need something for your players to do? Mean­while, the cin­na­mon roll pur­vey­or – which also sought to make the most of its cameo in “Bet­ter Call Saul” last year – has attempt­ed to cap­i­tal­ize on the sim­i­lar­i­ties between its core prod­uct and Princess Leia’s infa­mous hair­do: Our bon inspired Princess Leia’s hair­style. So what now? Choose your side: Cher­ry or Blue Rasp­ber­ry fla­vor? Galactic Campaign Guide : Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds : Hero's Guide : Living Force Campaign Guide : Power of the Jedi Sourcebook : Rebellion Era Sourcebook : Secrets of Naboo Campaign Pack : Secrets of Tatooine : Star Wars Gamemaster Screen : Star Wars Roleplaying Game : Star Wars Roleplaying Game revised core rulebook Her background includes editorial positions at Dow Jones, the Financial Times, the Huffington Post, AOL, Amazon, Hearst, Martha Stewart Living and the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund. It was also among the first Super Bowl ads to be released pri­or to the big game and its huge pre-game view­er­ship helped pave the way for the ear­ly release trend among sub­se­quent Super Bowl adver­tis­ers. An Old Republic Campaign gives the Gamemaster carte blanche to create epic campaigns that put the heroes (And their Destinies) in the forefront of the setting, with only a few sources of existing continuity to deal with. Get­ting hun­gry? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Caught in my dragnet are titles like Bones, Criminal Minds, CSI, and Miami Vice. #Star­Wars­Day — Toblerone (@Toblerone) May 4, 2015. Close. Look to police procedurals and crime dramas for your inspiration. May the Fourth be with you. 100 adventure ideas and over a dozen mini-campaign ideas. 1. Zavalla reveals himself to the task force and lures them away as the bounty hunter betrays them and destroys the temple, eliminating any hope of learning the secrets to restoring force powers. We don’t just sell these items, we take a lot of pride in making them. It is a setting with some of the most numerous materials and established histories in fiction. I was just wondering what are some good campaign ideas for a Star Wars game. The concept for a crossover between Star Wars and Fire Emblem was conceived during a semi-coherent rant by the page's writer (t ∣ b ∣ c) about how fighting games did not lend themselves to the recurring themes of Star Wars as a series, during which they said that the series would probably lend itself very well to a tactical RPG like Fire Emblem, yet most of its successful and well-remembered games were … Great ideas so far, Mind the Gap could produce some particularly hilarious gameplay. make sure to share any awesome star wars campaigns you have played or are planning to play in the comments below and may the force be with you, always! Lucasfilm and Regal Robot have teamed up to offer official Star Wars furniture, art, decor, and life-sized characters & busts! D6 Adventures courtesy of Here are 101 Star Wars encounter ideas that a game master can use in their campaign. BROUGHT TO YOU BY @SWRPGAdventures 692 adventure hooks and counting! Episode I of Star Wars: Dawn of Defiance RODNEY THOMPSON . #Star­Wars­Day — Pete Zaroll (@totinos) May 4, 2015, A LONG TIME AGO IN AN OVEN FAR, FAR AWAY… @starwars #MayThe4thBeWithYou See more ideas about star wars, star wars art, star wars rpg. A relat­ed video includes Star Wars char­ac­ters made out of Legos as well. The fate of the distant Trax sector is at stake! CaptainShack breaks down what hes learned from years of RP-ing and the lessons learned from GMing Star Wars Table top games. (Arguably, has it ever really stopped?) Tech research is removed, and new tech is added based on missions in the timeline. What’s peculiar about this year’s Star Wars campaign, is that Disney marketing team decided to stick with local marketing instead of going for a nationwide campaign. See more ideas about star wars, star wars art, star wars universe. Leia’s cin­na­mon roll hair was not lost on CPG brand Pills­bury either, which simul­ta­ne­ous­ly pushed a recipe for “Super Sim­ple Princess Leia (Cin­na­mon) Buns” that year. This cul­tur­al and adver­tis­ing jug­ger­naut has also spawned its own hol­i­day, enabling its most pas­sion­ate fans to joy­ous­ly bestow the Force upon one anoth­er each May 4. Star Wars Team Names: Are you looking for some best collections of Star Wars Team Names? Upon returning to Yavin the base is on high alert; the fighter Squadrons are already engaged with the Imperial fleet and everyone in the war room is on edge as failed attempts at the Death star trench run can be heard. Star Wars RPG Adventures & Modules. In 2013, Star Wars par­ent Dis­ney kicked off the brand’s pres­ence on Insta­gram with a self­ie from Darth Vad­er him­self, which has more than 73,000 likes to date. As the players are investigating further, an emergency broadcast comes through — Order 66. 1. Some of these encounters are small encounters, such as passing by a unique individual in a city. Play­ing off of an under­uti­lized Star Wars theme – that of Car­rie Fish­er insults – Dutch tech­nol­o­gy com­pa­ny Philips has implored fans to shave while also draw­ing a par­al­lel between light­bulbs and ‑sabers on May Fourths of yore. With a whole new genre comes a whole new approach to problems. For its part, sand­wich chain Sub­way has cel­e­brat­ed back-to-back May Fourths, each time with a char­ac­ter made out of veg­eta­bles – not unlike its NFL draft food sculp­tures: May the Fourth be with you #Star­Wars­Day, Eat fresh, you will. The NFL’s New York Jets, which haven’t done much right in recent mem­o­ry, used May 4, 2015 as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to send greet­ings to its own legion of devot­ed fans. Learning the secrets of the temple, he gained the power to neutralize midichlorians and disable force powers permanently. Oct 21, 2017 - Explore Erin's board "Star Wars Campaign" on Pinterest. Help us Tobi Wan Keno­bi, you’re our only hope. They start in finding a Jedi Master who will take them as an apprentice; then over the course of several adventures they will gain the experience necessary to … The retail­er, which cer­tain­ly sells plen­ty of Star Wars mer­chan­dise, part­nered with pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny Lucas­film to pay trib­ute to Star Wars fan­dom via a microsite that asked fans to sub­mit pho­tos and videos of their mem­o­ries, which Lucas­film then archived: For its part, Google, too, asked fans to choose sides after part­ner­ing with Lucas­film and Dis­ney on a microsite that trans­formed apps like Gmail, Google Maps, YouTube and Chrome to reflect users’ cho­sen paths. Historical Campaign is a basic story mode where you play through special battles intended to re-enact famous events in the Star Wars saga. STAR WARS RPG ADVENTURES. While the casu­al Amer­i­can restau­rant may nev­er top its infa­mous Baby Back Ribs jin­gle, which it recent­ly re-released with emo­jis, it took advan­tage of some kismet last year when Darth Vad­er him­self dined at one of its loca­tions. 74. #MayThe4thBeWithYou — Whataburg­er® (@Whataburger) May 4, 2015. The nature of the artificial world begins to unfold, as it turns out that it is a creation of an ancient civilization, perhaps the Celestials, meant to expand into a dyson sphere in order to harvest energy from stars. The Star Wars fran­chise has cap­ti­vat­ed audi­ences for near­ly four decades and pulled in more than $3 bil­lion at the box office alone. War erupts on the outer rim planet and Zavalla escapes, setting up a galactic chase to stop the fallen Jedi from completing his plans and keeping the Sith from catching him first. It is learned that Zavalla has allied himself with the Sith, who offered apprentices for practicing his techniques in exchange for the secrets of the temple. Note: Links that lead to other sites will open in a new window. Validated User. Hap­py #Star­Wars­Day to our Jet‑i Nation! The second campaign chronicles the efforts of Rebels trying to halt construction on an Imperial resupply base. Confederacy Campaign General Sev'Rance Tann is still alive, having somehow survived her epic duel with Echuu Shen-Jon on Krant, and leads the Confederacy Campaign. When looking at Edge of the Empire ideas, I think it helps to look to the Star Wars material for inspiration for starting campaign structures. Classic Campaigns is a supplement for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game published by West End Games in 1994.This sourcebook provides two complete campaigns for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game as well as general insight into running campaigns in the Star Wars universe.. Are your players up to the challenge? Reply. The Old Republic is virtually identical to the modern setting, and the things that are different are … The snack brand made its own gra­nola bar Ewok to wish fans a hap­py May 4 last year. Any public display of their powers will set off alerts so the players have to be smart about where and when to use their light sabers and force abilities. Don’t be a scruffy-look­ing nerfherder. CaptainShack learns to GM a game of Edge of the Empire. Toy Town is a Tool to Generate 3D Town Maps for your Campaign, Crimson Day – Valentine’s Day Themed Adventure, Festival of Lanterns – A Halloween Themed D&D Adventure. Posted by u/[deleted] 4 years ago. This offers a sci-fi-themed twist on the classic megadungeon - using a planet-hopping mechanic, players will explore several different environments and themes in a journey that's long enough to be a campaign unto itself. Hey me and some friends are starting up a campaign around Star Wars! They are sent to investigate old Jedi ruins for relics that may still linger there. Archived. Star Wars campaign help and ideas. The players have to get their cargo back to the rebellion as a new and mysterious power in the galaxy is rising: The Knights of Kenobi, lead by the last remaining Jedi whose injuries left him more machine than man…. And while the cof­fee giant may be too busy count­ing ice cubes to acknowl­edge May 4 this year, the brand has pre­vi­ous­ly gone the Darth-Vad­er-and-light-saber route to push Frap­puc­ci­no Hap­py Hour, which, con­ve­nient­ly, returned May 1: I am your Frap­puc­ci­no. Star Wars 5E Campaign. The dig­i­tal indus­tri­al giant used Star Wars Day to make a physics joke. #MayThe4thBeWithYou #Slid­er­Hu­mor, — White Cas­tle (@WhiteCastle) May 4, 2015. The padawans first order of business is planning their escape from the ruins and dealing with the Clone Troopers that are hunting them. © 2016 Nerd Sourced. Gren split off from the Jedi Order thousands of years ago and started a cult of his own force teachings. You’re in luck! They may even face off against a newly mechanized Darth Vader, and actually stand a chance. This par­tic­u­lar CPG brand part­nered with car­toon­ist and pan­cake mak­er Ran­dom Break­fasts to exe­cute Star Wars pan­cakes, pre­sum­ably made with one of Crocker’s recipes. The same can be said for a lot of troubles that would usually pose a problem to a standard fantasy adventure. Marketing team did a really good job of keeping us guessing., — Philips Norel­co (@PhilipsNorelco) May 4, 2015, Hap­py #Star­Wars­Day and #MayThe4thBeWithYou — Philips (@Philips) May 4, 2015. More recent­ly, toast­ed sand­wich chain Quiznos mar­ried Star Wars and HBO hit “Entourage”, which had its own 2015 movie debut, in “Star­tourage: The Four­some Awak­ens”, on its curat­ed con­tent plat­form Toasty.TV. Four thousand years before the rise of the Galactic Empire, the Jedi and Sith were locked in a galaxy wide war. A campaign in the Star Wars: Battlefront series tells a story set in the Star Wars universe. A complete beginner’s guide for your first D&D 5E game REVISED! Please enable it to continue. Without further ado, let's take a look at the question, "where do I start?" This module is an extensive adventure done in the style of a traditional "dungeon delve." The King of Slid­ers paid homage to the franchise’s open­ing mon­tage with a slid­er GIF in a May 4, 2015 tweet: If these were in a galaxy far, far away, we’d have inter­galac­tic unrest too. Like White Cas­tle, the Cana­di­an cof­fee and dough­nut chain also went the intro­duc­to­ry mon­tage route, along with a few donut holes in cos­tume for good mea­sure: “Judge me by my size, do you?” #Tim­bits #MayThe4thBeWithYou #Mon­day­Mo­ti­va­tion #Star­Wars­Day Please enable it to continue. IOCI: Outer Rim My first campaign idea is to turn Edge of the Empire on its head. Thread starter Random Axe; Start date Aug 25, 2013; R. Random Axe Explorer. Some of these encounters are small encounters, such as passing by a unique individual in a city. Lisa is a senior features writer for Inked. Our purpose is to provide insight into video and table top games through multiple mediums, provide satire on video game culture, industry, and media. Republic Campaign ideas: Start with a few planets, and most of the galaxy locked. OK here you can post your ideas for the campaign. The next session takes place years later, the heroes have been laying low and taking on low profile jobs as the Empire’s grip on the galaxy tightens. Log In Sign Up. See more ideas about star wars, star wars art, star wars universe. Random name generators for all of the heroic species featured in the Star Wars Roleplaying Game Revised Core Rulebook. Check out these beau­ties by @randomtoons! But I have said when, and I have said how, and they are starting up another D&D mini campaign. In the Garrus sector reports began coming through of Jedi losing their abilities to channel the Force. Here are 101 Star Wars encounter ideas that a game master can use in their campaign. Star Wars x Fire Emblem: Galactic Campaign is a tactical RPG developed and released for the Nintendo Switch, Nintendo 3DS, and Android/iOS devices. Also in 2014, both Unit­ed and Delta real­ized the light sticks their employ­ees use while planes taxi look sus­pi­cious­ly like lightsabers. In the lead-up to both Decem­ber hol­i­days and the Decem­ber 17 release of “Star Wars: Episode VII—The Force Awak­ens”, bat­tery brand Dura­cell released an epic 60-sec­ond Star-Wars-themed clash between good and evil in Bat­tle for Christ­mas Morn­ing, which has near­ly 64 mil­lion views to date across plat­forms. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. The cook­ie brand that set the bar for real-time mar­ket­ing, paid homage to Leia’s hair and biki­ni. Princess Leia would love to don these buns! Originally published on the Wizards of the Coast Star Wars RPG website, the adventures can be played individually, but when played in order, they form a complete campaign with a story arc that takes players from 1st level to 20th level. The quirky piz­za and Piz­za Rolls brand has also played off of both the Dark Side and the open­ing scroll. D6 Adventures courtesy of The other way to use that situation would be to have the owner come after the PCs to get his droid back. Including surrounding geography, local culture and experts, a structure and motivation for … Make­up brand Cov­er­Girl marked the 2015 release of “The Force Awak­ens” with the launch its own Star Wars col­lec­tion, includ­ing Light Side and Dark Side mas­cara, nail pol­ish and lip­stick, which Buz­zFeed described as “classy AF,” as well as a Tum­blr and videos with near­ly 2 mil­lion views a pop. Start with a hero unit of Obi Wan and Qui-Gon and make the mission to escort them to Naboo for negotiations. Posted by 2 years ago. Campaign Ideas Rebellion Era. They are led to a temple on an outer rim where they discover the identity of the agent, a fallen Jedi Master named Zavalla. When they have a sizable force, they begin surgical guerrilla strikes to accumulate enough Imperial star ships to get everyone away from the Empire, who have begun exploring the strange moon. The book is designed to aid game masters in creating campaigns, pregenerated encounters, adventure ideas, random names, and pregenerated non-player characters (NPCs). Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide See also: Gamemastering The galaxy is torn by war. I want the campaign to be exciting so post your favorite lore and ideas! With The release of Star Wars VII The Force Awakens just around the corner, the hype for cosmic adventures is at an all time high! Old Republic Campaigns take place against a backdrop that captures everything that makes Star Wars unique. The effort was meant to push Star Wars-inspired Hot Wheels cars, which soon fol­lowed. Originally published on the Wizards of the Coast Star Wars RPG website, the adventures can be played individually, but when played in order, they form a complete campaign with a story arc that takes players from 1st level to 20th level. The choco­late brand played off of a mem­o­rable “Star Wars” quote in its 2015 GIF. User account menu. 1; 2; First Prev 2 of 2 Go to page. IN THE NEXT ADVENTURE… The PCs return to their ship to encounter an Imperial probe droid trying to leave the docking bay—time for a speeder chase through city streets! The Star Wars fran­chise has cap­ti­vat­ed audi­ences for near­ly four decades and pulled in more than $3 bil­lion at the box office alone. It is a mode present in all games except DICE's Star Wars Battlefront. #MayThe4thBeWithYou — Chili’s Grill & Bar (@Chilis) May 4, 2015. Listed below is a number of adventures that you can use. Make it so the AI doesn't really do anything at this point. Whether you want to use Fantasy Flights’ newest Star Wars system, Wizards of the Coast’s older D20 system, or even something home brewed, these campaign ideas will offer a great place to start playing. Just fill out this form, and one of our team members will get in touch to arrange your own, personalized demo. 20 Star Wars Quest/Mission Ideas. Fans can explore the “galaxy far, far away” through augmented reality games and mobile apps, which can … Per AdWeek, Dura­cell part­nered with Dis­ney, Lucas­film and the like to exe­cute the spot authen­ti­cal­ly and to appeal to kids and par­ents alike. #Maythe4thBeWithYou, pan­cake lovers! Aegypto Treelicious. #frap­puc­ci­no­hap­py­hour — Frap­puc­ci­no (@frappuccino) May 4, 2014. Oct 21, 2017 - Explore Erin's board "Star Wars Campaign" on Pinterest. ), so we won’t rein­vent the wheel. Look no further! Follow @SWRPGAdventures Originally posted on October 17th, 2015. Listed below is a number of adventures that you can use. Countless planets span the galaxy—every … Sort by. They keep saying, "I'd love to do a Star Wars campaign sometime. Believed to be slain in battle, it is discovered by his ship and belongings that he exiled himself, faked his death, and sought a means to end the eternal war between the Light side and Dark side forever. The players are paid for their work and offered another job by the rebellion. #Star­Wars­Day, — Bet­ty Crock­er (@BettyCrocker) May 4, 2014. #Star­Wars­Day #MayThe4thBeWithYou
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