The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: I don't think this is possible just by the nature of how grouping works. Keywords in InfluxDB are referenced on the InfluxQL Syntax page. I think the underlying problem is the database index for tags and we are currently working on that in #7151. You can’t solve that. It’s also important to note that fields are not indexed. The values can be passed to functions or used in a GROUP BY clause. While the influxdb-python library is hosted by InfluxDB’s GitHub account, it’s maintained by a trio of community volunteers, @aviau, @xginn8, and @sebito91. Thank you for your contributions. (In InfluxDB 0.8 series values – equivalent to fields – can be used in the GROUP BY clause.) Even with very high cardinality unbounded domains would be bounded by time window or time buckets; stream processing techniques should handle this nicely. Q: I’m specifying multiple specific field keys in the SELECTclause – is there any way to do this without having to list them all out? Default right now is seriesName.value_func. Please reopen if this issue is still important to you. Added difficulty/high because the current mechanics around grouping leverage the index/cursors and there are no mechanisms to group by anything else. Continuous Query "general" WHERE time > now() - 5m GROUP BY time(30s), "id" FILL(previous). Sign in Combining CQs and retention policies provides a useful way to automatically downsample … Among many Time Series databases (TSDB), InfluxDB is able to secure its position in the market. Can you please provide the ability to sort by any field, otherwise I need to do the … Manual installation steps are detailed further below. One of the great attractions of InfluxDB for us was the free-form data storage: you can store any field/value pairs you like. The request path may include ID's and be technically unbounded. SELECT last("status") AS "status" FROM "tbh_vps"."autogen". See the InfluxDB OSS 2.0 release notes. The series name is indexed but the values are not. to your account. This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. Hello, I have a VPS monitor system with influxdb and in one field (status) I store the current status of the VPS (running, stopped or suspended) and I store it in Influx as a string (I could but I didn’t assigned a numerical value for each state) and to display a grafana counter I have to know how many VPSs are in each state, you know, how many VPSs are running, stopped and suspended and I don’t … I have a VPS monitor system with influxdb and in one field (status) I store the current status of the VPS (running, stopped or suspended) and I store it in Influx as a string (I could but I didn’t assigned a numerical value for each state) and to display a grafana counter I have to know how many VPSs are in each state, you know, how many VPSs are running, stopped and suspended and I don’t know how to do the query, does someone knows how to get this. If you specify an alias then that will be used. I want to `GROUP BY` a tag in `cow_groups` and calculate the average of a field in `cow_activity`. We then have a set of continuous queries that aggregate the data by different axis eg. As a result, those queries are not performant relative to queries on tags (more on tags below). EBNF is the same notation used in the Go programming language specification, which can be found here. The InfluxDB Query Language (InfluxQL) syntax is a SQL-like query language tailored for querying ranges of time. Introduction. Query fields and tags in InfluxDB using Flux | InfluxDB Cloud Documentation Use the filter() function to query data based on fields, tags, or any other column value. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. the influxdb query language (influxql) is a sql-like query language for interacting with influxdb. InfluxDB and aliasing series name is kind of problematic at the moment. At the same time we want to keep the number of tags low to prevent generating an enormous number of series. For information about upgrading to InfluxDB OSS 2.0, see: Upgrade from InfluxDB OSS 1.x to 2.0; Upgrade from InfluxDB 2.0 beta to InfluxDB 2.0 In InfluxDB 0.9, measurement names and tags can be matched using regular expressions but regular expressions are not valid for matching field keys or values. To use group by on a particular field, there are special type of fields known as tags. Select InfluxQL or Flux from the Query Language list. This will group all the same values of those fields together, as if you sorted them. Support Group By any column not just tag columns. Backfilling this data with the path as a tag currently crashes influxDB. Then I came to know that you cannot just run group by query on any field. InfluxDB contains a number of functions that you can use for computing aggregates, rollups, or doing downsampling on the fly. Once I had to run a group by query based on a particular field. In InfluxDB 0.10 a series has a measurement name, a tag set, and a field set. For more on AS, see Functions. @jsternberg I don't see how #7151 is related to this. Further, the domain may be unbounded and more efficiently stored and processed as a field data. We load raw pageload performance data along with metadata into a short-living measurement. Overview of Pre-built InfluxDB & Grafana Containers. It is possible to keep important data as long as you want to, without performance impact using so-called Continuous Queries (they will be described in part 2). Something like the following query might work, depending on your data: Check out the Data Exploration page or this InfluxQL short for more on the SELECTclause. But on the first seconds of every 30s “group by” the returned count is less than real because not all the nodes have submitted the data yet, and I don’t know how to solve that. InfluxDB groups the data points in the scarlet measurement by the unique tag set combinations and calculates the average rache for each of those groups. The syntax is specified using Extended Backus-Naur Form (“EBNF”). Not so coincidentally, InfluxDB is written in Go. I would propose that influxDB support grouping data on field values during processing. Returns a matrix of the last 11 states of the VPS on every 30 seconds, but when I try this: SELECT count("status") FROM (SUBQUERIE) WHERE "status" = 'running' group by time(30s). This transformation goes in two steps. Q: I have two measurements: `cow_groups` and `cow_activity`. ...WHERE time > now() - 1h AND time < now() - 1m..... Well, as the documentation shows the fill(previous) should report the value from the previous time interval for time intervals with no data if I made a subquery where I get the status of each VPS for the time range and I use fill previous I would get a consistent serie, but I don’t know why it does not work. According to influxdb official documentation tags are used to store metadata. For instance if we group by the Server ID field, then it would group the data this way: Already on GitHub? Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. ... 2w group by time(2h)' ... measurement names, tag keys, or field keys) whenever possible. The time_interval parameter in the GROUP BY time() clause specifies a duration literal, and determines how TSDB for InfluxDB® groups query results in terms of the time dimension. My current query: A: Starting with version 1.1, the SELECTclause supports regular expressions. Optimized for high volume of reads and writes Writing of data in time ascending order is super fast Cons ... "h2o_feet_min" FROM "h2o_feet" GROUP BY time(30m) END. Many thanks to them for their hard work and contributions back to the community. This is a reference for the Influx Query Language (“InfluxQL”). The feature request mentioned how the current in-memory index causes problems and it makes high cardinality data impossible to use. If you’re looking for less formal documentation see Data Exploration, Schema Exploration, Database Management, and Authentication and Authorization.. InfluxQL is a SQL-like query language for interacting with InfluxDB. The CQ minnie_maximus_1 acts in the same way as minnie_maximus, however, InfluxDB names field keys miniscule and monstrous in the destination measurement instead of min and max. Thank you for your contributions. The Sign of the FOR Q: I’m running a Continuous Query (CQ) and I’ve noticed that it misses some of my data points. The easiest way to install InfluxDB & Grafana and configure them to work with Collectd is through using pre-built InfluxDB & Grafana containers. I would like to propose the ability to GROUP BY fields. As with any special purpose database, using and designing for a time-series database is quite different than what you may be used to with structured (SQL) databases. SELECT
() FROM_clause WHERE GROUP BY time(,),[tag_key] [fill()] 在GROUP BY time()高级语法中,需要在SELECT子句中调用InfluxDB的函数,并在WHERE子句中指定时间区间。并且需要注意到的是,GROUP BY子句必须在WHERE子句之后! Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue. #7151 is about removing the in-memory index off of the heap. I didn't notice that it also mentioned the new proposal, but I'm not sure it really matters since I don't know if we would be able to efficiently group by field data. This would also help us in a slightly different use case. These are usually used in conjunction with a GROUP BY time (...) clause. You just have to wait… or adjust your query to something like that to ensure all the data is in there: Returns the raw JSON response from InfluxDB. filter() performs operations similar to the SELECT statement and the WHERE clause in InfluxQL and other SQL-like query languages. If no shard group duration is provided, the shard group duration is determined by the RP duration at the time the RP is created. Note that the use of a GROUP BY clause necessitates a WHERE time … There is no need to quote or escape keywords in the write syntax. Tags and Fields can be added on the fly! precisely replace MEAS and time with your actual values. This issue has been automatically closed because it has not had recent activity. Parameters: name (str) – the name of the retention policy to modify; database (str) – the database for which the retention policy is modified.Defaults to current client’s database; duration (str) – the new duration of the existing retention policy.Durations such as 1h, 90m, 12h, 7d, and 4w, are all supported and mean 1 hour, 90 minutes, 12 hours, 7 day, and 4 weeks, respectively. We’ll occasionally send you account related emails. For example: SELCT LAST(field_name, *) from test_result GROUP BY *. In InfluxDB 0.8 a series has a name and one or more measured values. In the results below, you can see that InfluxDB returns results in separate tables that are grouped by the different values of the location tag. Shard group duration overview InfluxDB stores data in shard groups. Even with the new index proposal it could cause significant paging and performance degradation. The CQ minnie_jr acts in the same way as the CQ minnie, however, InfluxDB calculates the 30 minute minimum of the field mouse in the measurement zoo and under the retention policy 1day, and it automatically writes the results of the query to the measurement min_mouse under the retention policy 7days.. Notation. Even with very high cardinality unbounded domains would be bounded by time window or time buckets; stream processing techniques should handle this nicely. Queries that use field values as filters must scan all values that match the other conditions in the query. The trap seems to be that once set it's impossible to remove field/value pairs from a measurement without recreating the … This is how my data are organized: I know InfluxDB doesn’t do `JOIN`s but is there a way to perform something like the following query? Have a question about this project? Given that we can't update tags, +1 on this so that we can GROUP BY fields at a later stage as the schema changes. Flux is already capable of grouping by fields and time. time_field (str, optional) - Field name to extract and use as timestamp.select_recent(database, measurement, fields='*', tags={}, relative_time='15m') Query the InfluxDB API for measurement in database, using the fields string, limited to matching tags for the recent relative_time. InfluxDB OSS 2.0 now generally available! InfluxDB 0.9+ doesn’t support `JOIN`s. Click the + Add data source button in the top header. By clicking “Sign up for GitHub”, you agree to our terms of service and Hi, Has anyone solved or figured out a way to group data (influxdb >1.8) by month? InfluxQL is a SQL-like query language for interacting with InfluxDB and providing features specific to storing and analyzing time series data. SELECT COUNT(value) as visits FROM site_visits GROUP BY account_id ORDER BY visits desc. one that generates a single aggregate, and some other one that groups by country and so on. It does not work, and I don’t understand why, becouse if I remove the fill(previous) from the subquery the whole statement works as expected. If you group … Besides these, it also provides easy installation and configuration. But influxdb v10.0.0 complains that only order by time has been supported. Storing high cardinality data in tags currently blows up the database for a lot of people. I’m in a process of migrating all persistence from jdbc/mariadb to influxdb but my biggest problem is grouping kWh data monthly (the max value monthly as I reset all kWh counters every month) and representing it … I would propose that influxDB support grouping data on field values during processing. Influxdb select last group by. privacy statement. InfluxDB is a schema-less DB. The query uses an InfluxQL function and a time interval specified by the GROUP BY clause to calculate the average field value of the water_level field key for each 12-minute interval in the specified time range. Then you can add aggregates to your query, like LAST . A person may wish to look at an hours worth of requests grouped by time(1m), request_path to see the top requested paths by minutes. Total requests path cardinality would not exceed one hours worth of point's for SELECT, or one minute's worth of points for a SELECT INTO. In the current influxdb version we need to know which columns may be used for grouping so that they are loaded as tags. In the side menu under the Dashboards link you should find a link named Data Sources. #7151 is for making high cardinality data perform better so I figured that it would invalidate the need for this. I dunno your schema, but perhaps something like: First you specify one or multiple fields to group the data by. Here at Spreedly we’ve recently started using the time series database InfluxDB to store a variety of customer activity metrics. Analyzing access logs including request path. I have something putting multiple field values into a series called mem: > SHOW FIELD KEYS FROM mem; name: mem ----- … Predict the data? The barometer-influxdb image is based on the influxdb:1.3.7 image from the influxdb dockerhub.
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